ok look at it this way we start out in our lif on this earth in our own little world that we call the womb we breath liquid we are sustained by a chord that links us to a greater being we call mother it is eternaly dark but we have no fear. then one… Continue reading on death-
Author: wolfshadow
a practicing shaman and philosopher follower of
a "yin" path who works with the "creative void"
i am 6' tall long brown sorta' curly hair and have blue eyes, some say i look like those pictures of the supposed jesus though hopefully we all know he, th
death? what death?
ok look at it this way we start out in our lif on this earth in our own little world that we call the womb we breath liquid we are sustained by a chord that links us to a greater being we call mother it is eternaly dark but we have no fear. then one… Continue reading death? what death?