turn up the music to block out the sound the yelling the screaming
Author: xsilentXscreamsx
i am a very boring person, trust me i would know im around myself all the time, but anyhoo... im 14, i hate my life, but what else is new? i get labeled as punk/gothic, mainly gothic, i hate labels because they are stupid and just another way to stereotype people, i live in Bellingham, WA (which you've probably never heard of) and if anyone cares, i am bi, and if you're homophobic you're stupid... dont get me started on that subject...
i want to die... i dont care if people say they care, they dont show it, i dont care if people dont care, because in any case thats all i expect of them, someday ill make it, and ill go by as peacefully as i came, no one on here will notice, and i dont expect you to care.
the story of my life
lets cut the crap, sure i had a happy childhood. but i feel that is only because i was ignorant to the world around me, i was at peace not knowing anything about discrimination, and losing friends. up until about a year ago…
take it back
i dont know what im feeling i dont know how to feel bottled emotions messed me up
just a thought…
today i saw a rainbow in the shimmer of a bubble right before it popped i wonder if ill be happy
come join me
i lay here, thinking about this life. i stare into the darkness which seems to pull me in. just like it did a year ago when it all started… ive tried before, and it never worked… no one will care, i think as i reach my weak arm over to my dresser drawer and pull… Continue reading come join me
what to do?
do you really think that i do this for you tears fall out as i blink not meaning to cry in front of you
untitled poem
so here i am not the first time yet again im standing in line
what you wanted
“i never wanted you in the first place.” he stated like he wanted those words to drill into my brain, to make me go away. “well then next time use a condom.”
Faggot… an insult?
*note: i dont know what subject this goes under, but oh well* ok this i dont get… people using and taking “faggot” as an insult… thats really offensive, especially to me. because the people who are using it as terms of an insult are implying that gay people are stupid, because they are basically instead… Continue reading Faggot… an insult?
my arms sore from the scars left behind of the pain i’ve overcome i feel it rising again