i was prisoned before… by my environment… my parents… my friends… always being afraid of what they may think of me… not doing what i wanted… not expressing myself to let the world see me as i wanted to be seen… i was not free
i lived with a caring family… wanted the best for me… the best… for me?… or the best for them? it was always for them…”stop drawing! that’ll never get you anywhere!” now i can’t pick up a pencil and feel my thoughts flow through it like the blood in my veins… i was not free…
she crossed my path… she’s a mystery to me… does she like me or hate me? i don’t know, but she understands me… she’s special, this girl… as different as we are… our thoughts are the same… never did anyone understand me the way she does… i’m breaking free…
we are together, her and i… don’t have to care what i wear… the music i listen to… how i act… as long as i be myself… she’ll always love me… now i’m free…
understood….you cant hold something back forever
thanks for making me smile…
a free girl
All ways the truth… I see that parents want use all their power to make us be somthing that we are, well are not. We understand that none of that matters When we get older they can still pretend to know what is for our “best interest” but they don’t really know anything other than how not to embarass themselfs by repressing their children….Love is weird like that….