In the days I last laid eyes upon-
In the nights I wept my tears on-
The black that held my hand so tight-
And the slice the made my wrist so bright.
I felt you inside me crying-
I heard you behind me dying-
Your eyes reflecting in the red-
My fangs glistening at what you’d said.
The moon that died to clouds and rain-
That fell asleep and never woke again-
Your tender hands that held me steady-
As I gnashed my fear and soon drew ready.
My pain, I fear, is yours to feel-
This night of dreams has become quite real-
The shadows dance upon our silhouettes-
And demons leap and pirouette.
As music plays to our beating hearts-
And words fall silent as the dying starts-
“Kiss me now, and kiss me forever”,-
I said to him as his flesh did sever.
To the razor porcelain below my lips-
And the cradling arms around his hips-
“To kiss you now is never again”,-
He said to me as he rolled his head.
In the nook of my neck, baring white-
And my jugular pounding, as I try not to fight-
For in this hour, his life lost to me-
For my need to survive, for me to be.
I that have hunted him, and soon shall unto you-
There is no reason, there is no “who”-
That will be next…..just faces and flesh-
Flowing blood that will soon come to rest.
Fill my belly, barrel through my veins-
Live in me, even though you are slain-
Live forever, for I am to pay-
For the murder, for the rape.
And the tears wept for us all-
Will cease to flow when hate comes to a halt-
As I lay to rest in your blackened hearts-
Know I too, am in all of you, we will never part.
This is one of my many poems. You can find more at
The Last Breath.
let me know what you think:
fang in there!