Big and potentially evil rant.

It is a simple question. No not a question, but more like “looking for the truth.”

So can someone tell me why, (mostly) teens are so full of angst? What is it about being ‘goth’ or ‘gothic’ (which are very different)? Why do drugs? Why drink? Why cut the flesh? Why act like an outcast, why pretend to be an outcast? Why wearing all black? Why swimming in the seas of melancholy and drowning in sorrows and alcohol and drugs? Why taking those damn pills? To put an end to a miserable existance? Why loving and hating the lover at the same time? Why?

[Shameless input: Do NOT flame the post by telling me that I don’t know what these ‘concepts’ mean. I am 22 now and I have my own notions. I used to dress in all black, had (and still have) long hair past my shoulders, used to be a coke addict, tried to suicide. Now I look back, and practically mourn the times I wasted like this. I did find out what they mean, I just want to know what they mean for you]


  1. because I don’t like people. They can’t relate to me, and I get little out of molding myself to them. So they should just stay the ***** away, better for all involved

  2. Well for somepeople life gets better but for some of us it just gets worse! I mean people don’t understand us. They have made us goth or gothic and they have made us an outcast. And well i don’t really like to call anybody goth or gothic etc. Because that’s just what this fucked up world labels you as!!!! I am my own ***** person i don’t want to be labeled! So LUCKY YOU! But some of us are not SO ***** LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. because if you have been through the agony that i have been through you would be this way to. you would wear black and think it as a way to morn your soul that he STOLE FROM ME. you would cut your flesh open and takes drugs if it ended the misery. maybe you should think of “goths” or people in generals feelings and memories before you post these things. it was written alright but i dont like the fact you judge us all like this. now you know.

  4. stop saying us. there is no us. there is me, you, and everyone else.

  5. Do not dare to judge me. I know what pain is, far better than most people. I just asked, you did not answer. I do not care what you have been through, neither would you care what I have. If you can’t even answer this simple and dedicated question, keep wearing black, as if it was something important…

  6. I don’t know what kinda people you know, but i wear black clothes because I think it looks nice. I sometimes wear white and red too, why not? There’s nothing wrong with wearing stuff that you like is it?….
    And most people aren’t depressed because they’re gothic….they’re gothic because they’re depressed….
    music, clothing, poetry and sometimes hurting myself has helped me handle alot of pain….

    Ofcourse you’re entitled to an opinion but… I think you’re pretty stupid.

  7. You had pills? I always wanted pills.

    When people are young and their parents pay for everything it is easy to get by looking like a freak. When you get older and wanted a job, so you can have your own place, it is easy to hide the past. It is hard saying good-bye, but it is really going to the next level.

  8. Do you really believe that, Cruentus?
    That we are all alone?

    I used to think that way too; that I was the only one who felt this pain. I thought I was the only one who had been shunned for things that were beyond my control. I thought I was the only one who had felt the pain of having everything stolen from me, inch by inch.

    But look around, people. look around.

    If we are all as lonely as we think we are, how come there are so many people here? How come there are so many people who dress in black and mourn their past?

    We are not alone.

    You are.

  9. Oh yeah.

    You are pretty smart then, and cryingly immature. Neeeeext!

  10. we are our own and what we are is for each of us to decide. We need no labels but feed on each others thoughts.

  11. i didnt chose to be an outcast and i dont pretend iam and so are others we dont chose it or pretend it its just the way some of us people are and wut choices we made to deal wit our lives is our choice u shouldnt give a ***** u deal wit ur life and got out of it but some people wont and cant deal wit their lives so we do something to get away from it all like drugs or drinking or cutting and some are just depressed peeps who decide not to take their pills cuz that would be denieing who they really are and if u do that u might as well be dead and the all black thats up to the person i know goths that wear other colors besides black

  12. I don’t think that I’m the only one, but I am still alone. Just because they are there doesn’t mean that I’m part of the group, it just means I’m close enough to observe and wish that I would get past my own social barriers. To be alone in a crowd is not so hard to conceive.

    I am alone.

  13. I don’t believe we either act nor pretend to be an outcast. We come into this set way of life because we are basically the forgotten people of society. And drugs are not a prereq. for setting forth such a method, just a strong will to be and a desire to show that we are self-sufficient.

  14. Did you know that growing old is a law, but growing up is not?

  15. There is an ‘us’ where more than one are known. And I know there are more than one.

  16. I’m not a part of the gothic culture, for the most part, but I do have many friends that are. One thing that caught my attention about all these posts was the repetition of the phrases “We are alone,” “I am alone,” and “You are alone.” Ever think that those phrases may be what leads people to cut, to take pills, to armor themselves against caring? The fear of caring about others and then ultimately being left alone, or being hurt by the ones you care about, is really intense. I’ve been there — afraid to care for someone else because of the possibility of being hurt. I’ve been terrified of being alone, and I’ve been hurt as badly as some of you. I won’t try to claim that I understand your brand of pain, but I do understand pain, both physical and mental. It’s not worth it to wall yourself off and shove others away. I’m not saying that the gothic culture isn’t worth it, but some of the attitudes that people within the culture carry around with them are useless — just like some of the attitudes that “normal” people carry with them.
    Now I’m not sure what the point of this note was — I think just to say that if you’re gothic because you love the culture and the look, go for it…but if you’re gothic because you truly believe that you have been through so much, no one can possibly fathom your pain, then that’s bullshit. Other people can and do understand pain, and assuming that no one can understand your particular brand of pain is underselling the human capacity for empathy and caring.

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