This is a sucide note to my best friend, it has two parts to it.
a broken promise, a broken trust,
it’s sad when friendships fade and rust.
lying about how i feel,
i just can’t handle, i just can’t deal.
hidden secrets, thoughts gone bad,
i think back on all the times we had.
saying goodbye isn’t easy to do,
when i think of all we’ve been through.
i know if i said something we could work it out,
but in the back of my mind i will always have this doubt.
i will always be here, i will never be gone,
for in your heart i will always live on.
i wish i could tell you the reasons why,
but inside i don’t know and thats what’s making me die.
with a broken heart, and a broken soul,
i’ve sunk to the lowest part of this hole.
tired of searching, ready to give up this fight,
the light in my eyes is no longer bright.
the time has come, my fate is sealed,
what will come next will soon be revealed…..
bleeding and broken laying on the floor,
i’m fading faster being shut behind a closed door.
a shattered illusion, a broken life,
all i have to live for is this crimson stained knife.
leaving my friend and people who pretend to care,
with a slice of the knife i watch my skin tare.
looking at my broken skin,
i wonder what our friendship has been.
i couldn’t take the pressure, i had to let go,
i’m sorry dear friend that you didn’t know.
i hade made attempts before,
this time i will not be broken anymore.
don’t cry for me when i’m gone,
look past my selfishness and try to move on.
it’s okay if you hate me, someone has got to take the blame,
but when i’m gone please remember more than just my name.
remember all teh good times we had,
i’ll still be with you so please don’t be sad.
for all the times you fixed my broken soul,
you were the part that finally made me whole.
being together we had lots of fun,
but living life broken finally won.
to you my best friend,
the only true person on whick i could depned,
my life is fading faster it’s coming to an end.
i just wanted to let you know before i die,
that i love you dearly and that’s no lie.