Broken Girl & 32 days to 18

Broken Girl
I see faces all around me
I look them in the eyes
They turn their heads abruptly

They won’t let me inside
I silently observe
Compare them to myself
Because Just once I want to see the world
Through the eyes of someone else
Someone with beliefs
Someone left untouched
Maybe through the eyes of a child
Any of the such
I want to see every bit of beauty
That’s to be seen in the world
But I can only see what’s allowed
Through the eyes of a broken girl

32 Days To 18
I used to feel imortal
I used to feel like everything was fine
I wish I could go back to that
I wish I could be me again

Reality had to hit me
Life had to happen
Everything had to change
Including me

I don’t wanna be this broken image
I don’t wanna live in pain
I see a stranger when I look in the mirror
I see something I never wanted to become

Thirty Two days from 18
Already so lost
32 days to 18
And I see no future after that

By Vywien

I lived a lie and didn't even know it. I don't know which aspects of my life were true or not. I refuse to find out. I have but 4 loves. Meriah (even though we're not together anymore) writing, Fred(my acoustic guitar) and my electric guitar...a b.c. Rich Acrylic MOcking bird, green.