“What the fuck is that?”
The drugs seemed to be attacking me. Horrible fucking drugs. It made me wonder why I let that woman feed me acid during the Korn show in New York.
“What?” I said.
“You don’t see it?”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
It was no surprise that my buddy Devo was going insane while being trapped in the closet. I locked his ass in there because he thought I was his greyhound. That son of a bitch was trying to kill me.
“I see my fucking legs walking away from me man!” he screamed.
“Shut the fuck up you asshole!”
What the hell did he take? Whatever it was it really screwed his ass up. I tried to talk some sense into him but the drug had it’s hold. Devo was a nut from Arizona. He was a bad ass at the drums but a crazy ass when it came down to getting fucked up.
“Shit! Shit! Give me back my hand!”
Damn, I thought. Devo was going insane. He thought it would be a good idea to crave a “J” on my forehead. Sick bastard. I kicked his ass for even thinking it. That didn’t work. He tried to stab me with the bucket of chicken as well. Crazy I tell you.
“This is for your own good you know.” I told him.
“My fucking legs are running! You did this! You must be the fucking devil man!”
Yesterday, we both went to search for a new job. We needed money very badly. We tried to get jobs like BurgerWorld and Drumstick Rick’s but instead we got Pepe’s Burrito Box. The manager was a woman named, Biffy (no, not Buffy). She scaried the living shit out of me with her face that seemed to morph into the face of a carp. Very scary shit, man. Devo pissed her off.
“So do I cook the big fuckers or those piece of shits?” he asked.
“What did you say?”
Oh hell, I thought. Here it comes.
“The big fuckers and the piece of shits.”
She pulled him by his blue Pepe shirt and slammed him against the wall. Biffy looked pissed, very pissed. It was as if someone had jabbed a nail into her forehead and asked, “Would you like some Advil for that headache?”
“Johnny what the hell is wrong with your friend?” she asked me.
He’s a dumb ass with an attitude problem. When the two combine they create the “dick head affect” and a massive complusive dissorder that had no intentions on slowing down. Then those two elements combine to make the simple minded always want to fuck but can’t seem to deliver a decent compliment fellow. Yes, that was Devo for you.
“He’s got a small mental problem.” I told her.
Devo was looking at her as if she was a new threat in his cardboard smoke dope everyday life. Oh shit, I thought.
“You don’t trust me do you?” he asked.
“Not with that attitude.” she said.
Oh no. Do not get him started. Okay. I’m going to just pull him away and walk him out the door. No problem. Everything will be okay. I reached for his right arm but he pushed me into the cashier who said, “Don’t bump into me you dick!”
No time for apoligizing to her. I was more concerned about the upcoming fist match between Biffy and Devo.
Intresting story, I hope to read the rest.
odd but interesting, i hope there will be more