I C A N ’ T! …Stop the screams that break me till I cry
Wait and wonder, from your view… till I fall and die
EACH NIGHT! …sit and ponder about this blasphemy
Contemplate all my thoughts and – – WHY…YOU…HATE…ME!
I COLLECT! …all the “m e m o r i e s”…that we’ve shared
Held you…in my arms and wondered if you cared
ARROGANCE! …that you hide inside your pretty head
Waiting…patiently…till…I’M…PALE AND DEAD!
P A S S I O N! …that we had is now a bleeding wound
Locked inside…left to die…dismissed a bit to soon
OPEN FLESH! …the stench of death…with salt applied within
This soured pain…forbidden love…a night of…lustful sins
ALL THESE! …”r e c o l l e c t i o n s” deep inside of me…
Holding on…to what is gone…a life of – m i s e r y
D A R K N E S S! …sweat and fears…we carry with us all
Mysteries of memories…THAT WE WILL – N E V E R – RECALL!