my dreams have been flooded with the grim reaper. there are some where there many of them. there are some where they’re all in white cloaks. either way i always fight with them and end up killing them. there’s been a couple about myself and my parents talking in another room about me being demonic… Continue reading Grim Reaper
Category: death
Fearing death?
I would first like to say that I’m approaching this subject in reply to a discussion regarding an operation that I had last year, involving narcosis. For as long as I remember, I’ve feared death. I had perceived the biological clock as a daunting magnet dragging me ever closer to the unpleasant event. However, flipping… Continue reading Fearing death?
now im numb
ive been suicidel before, ive been happy before, ive been numb, my whole life i have had m,v,p a heart problem i never realy thought it much a bother to me i could sill live a happy long life untill 3 months ago i had a drug od and i found out it advaned to… Continue reading now im numb
spun and unraveled
It’s been a hot two weeks with no sleep in a single studio apartment , just checking the fed, testing ph levels and shooting the raw meth to see if it’s any good. I can’t tell any more, I just have a massive headache, it’s like 150 degrees in here every body is silent, picking… Continue reading spun and unraveled
Her Grave Within His Heart
I rested my arms on the edge of the coffin and peered in. She looked so peaceful, and for a second i convinced myself that maybe she was just sleeping – but by simply brushing ym hand across her cheek the cold skin brought reality flooding back. Tears welled up in my eyes.
Tears of Sorrow
A lonely tear ran down Casey’s face. ” how could this happen. Why?” he thought to himself. He held Amanda’s dead lifeless body in his arms. He felt how placidly her limbs moved. Her once warm skin was now like ice and her eyes lifeless.
If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be like this. I wouldn’t have this problem where I have to get myself help. I have to sit here in my fucking room and cry all the damn time wondering what the fuck I did wrong this time.
Love Is Not Real
I love you so much. Being with you is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I never knew that love could be so controlling, so manipulative, and so hurting. I didn’t know that love came in a tiny black package with a sticker saying “DO NOT OPEN”.
The bridge, the night, the black water, the glisten of the moon and her reflection in a haze of street lights and stars… it all seemed so promising, so tempting. She was cold, so cold, freezing in icy air.
The Story of Johnny.
Meet Johnny. At age 16 he’s decided to give up. His parents are divorced.