In the Hadean Era, 4500 to 3800 millions of years ago the Big Bang happened and the planets were in reported existence.
Category: pagan
Strange Aura 2: the shadow in the woods
I remember when i was in my seconde year of high school. It was my first year at that school, and every mourning i`d walk infront of these woods.
1. His hood revealed nothing. His voice almost seemed trapped in the folds of the deep Velvety darkness. His voice could do nothing but frighten and console her simultaneously because it was filled with such emotion.
, summer’98. I remember that night at camp like if it was yesterday, I was finishing My smoke, planning stuff. I felt a strange aura I had never felt before. I through My smoke at the butt can and missed, I picked it up to put it in the can and at the same time… Continue reading STRANGE AURA
And so, as he spoke the words with great relief, the sorrounding ligth faded away, and darkness roamed. For the king was dead, and the people feasted on his grave. For what life was lost? The life of a mortal, an eternal living ligth.
The slain Faeries (Part 2)
I awaken…half living, The snow falls around me…onto the charred ground, I try to stand…slipping in a pool of dark blood,
Do what thou wilt
Did anyone ever wonder where Crowley got his famous line, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”?
regarding vacancy announcement 01-002870-sjb
this is a chaos shaman’s riddle chimps in action name themselves but art is science and on false lead they dwell or if every clue they read
Paganism, Some people just don’t know shit
You know it’s almost sicking to here some people bitch about how good of a wiccan they are, or how good their getting at it. “I know more shit than you do”, replied the whiny stupid fucking moron. You know if I can recall, now give me a sec, shit there it is, paganism is… Continue reading Paganism, Some people just don’t know shit
The Candle
In May i was assualted by a lil homey with a chain because i was a “faggot”. He mistook me for gay because i was wearing black clothes and i had black fingernail polish on. I didnt fight back even though i knew i could kick his ass because he had two other peole with… Continue reading The Candle