Would-Be Undead

To put it bluntly: here is why I am a pit bull patrolling the edges of the vampire community.

Categorized as vampire

White Wolf, Cain(e), and Kosher Laws – or, Mummie, Where Did Vampires Come From?

This little exegesis will assume two somewhat dubious things. It will assume, for the sake of argument, that the White Wolf universe is real, as opposed to a very absorbing and often plausible game. It will also assume that Yahweh (YHVH, I Am That I AM) was the first god, the only real god. I’m… Continue reading White Wolf, Cain(e), and Kosher Laws – or, Mummie, Where Did Vampires Come From?

Categorized as vampire

Vampires and Serial Killings

It’s something we vampires don’t like to talk about, even to ourselves: the possibility that there really are people out there who hunt and kill for blood or for the sheer rush of killing…and that those people might be real vampires, not just psychos with no life.

Categorized as vampire

Vampire Purity Test!

There’s a purity test for everything else, now it’s time for us to have our own purity test (just in time for Halloween, too!) Please note: this does not test how much of a vampire you are, or how likely it is that you’re a vampire. It tests home infected you are by vampiric culture.… Continue reading Vampire Purity Test!

Categorized as vampire

Vampires and Sex

Well, I bet that got your attention. Just some random observations: In literature, vampires rarely have sex (and when they do engage in sex, they do it for the sake of their lover or because it will help them feed, they don’t do it for the sex). In real life, most of the vampires I… Continue reading Vampires and Sex

Categorized as vampire

Embrace Me, Said The Maiden

I don’t get many people writing me, begging me to turn them anymore. I suspect that’s because I’ve let my views on the subject of “turning” be well known in all the lists and groups I’ve associated with. To wit: I don’t believe in it.

Categorized as vampire

Psychic Vampires

Most people are familiar with the term Psychic Vampire. Many people even know that Psychic Vampires drain energy from their victims. But how does such an attack take place? How does one know if they have been or are indeed a victim of a Psychic Vampire’s attack? I will answer these, as well as many… Continue reading Psychic Vampires