Safety Tips for Blood-Drinkers

For those vampires out there who drink blood (as opposed to “psi-feeding”) I’d just like to post a few safety reminders.

Categorized as vampire

Deceptions of Stereotypes: A glance at goth, role playing and vampirism.

Is vampirism a cult phenomenon due to the seduction is presents or the chance to slip out of the collective consciousness of society? Mind you these are not the two questions that are normally asked. Deviant antisocial behavior is often blamed for the fascination with vampires. I feel that vampirism is bastardized into the deviant… Continue reading Deceptions of Stereotypes: A glance at goth, role playing and vampirism.

Categorized as vampire

Vampires: Goths, Goth Poseurs, or Get A Life?

It’s been the Big Controversy ever since Bauhaus first started playing and a weird subset of punks started wearing black clothes and white face paint to nightclubs. What to do with these people who call themselves “vampires?”

Categorized as vampire