Vampires are on the line, not an easy life, not a hard life. They give up one liftstyle for the next. Jennifer was a fitting example. At some party she was ‘collected’ as Micheal Fraust, a leader for Tearson Valley’s vampire population, put it. Jennifer had to learn quickly what was happenign to her, as most vampires learned while in a state of a learner, or acolyte.
They learn what is nesscary for making the change. Vampires, truthfully kill ‘innocent’ humans for there food, but they say it’s a nessecary evil. They often turn brillant minds, and give them money to cure things like cancer and aids. Vampire definantly don’t like aids, for obvious reasons, and have turned five of the major docters in the field studying it.
Jennifer was looking at some text file in one of the librarys computers, not the main one, which was for vampire catalouging only. Fraust came over to her desk, and looked at the notes she was taking.
“Very good young Jennifer.”
“Thanks Micheal. I want to try and get this done before Christmas.”
“You’ll be coming to the party were going to have in the Dorms, right?”
“No, I’m sticking with my family.”
“Oh? Dang, I was hoping you’d dance with me.”
She just smiled and countinued her research. Three months ago she had been turned, the full converstion took four months, as opposed to the instant vampire of myth. Taking it baby steps. A howl fo wind came through the library. She was alone, the cold glow fo teh computer the only light. She looked at her watch, which showed 1:00 AM. She should get home, even though her regular time getting home was usually about 4:00 AM, but she was tired. She shut off the computer and went to the next floor down. The Dorms. A place were vampires could have a home, along with acolytes and sometimes the food. There was a elevator that went to tunnel that lead out, so that people weren’t coming and going through the hospital day in day out. She got on the elevator,. and it opened to the tunnel, and a strange looking man in a full brim hat.
He pushed her aside and got on the elvator, which went up. Jennifer couldn’t help but hope that she wouldn’t end up like that. Mean, cruel, a true bitch. She walked down the tunnel and made it out into the late night club entrance. The night clubg was one of the many feeding locals. She moved her way to the exit, and headed home.
“What do you expect Jon, me to lay out the girl for you?”
“Mike, she needs to be sent to Osguard, maybe even Einesbraught.”
“She’s doing fine here, I won’t send her somewhere she doesn’t belong.”
“Your letting your feelings get to deep here Mike, just like Natalie.”
Mike Fraust stared a deep hatred at Jon Backer, his full rim hat seemed so insolent. Mike cleanched a fist a sucker punched Jon across the face, smashing him to the ground.
“Mention her ever again, and I’ll have you hanged!”
“You can’t kill a vampire like that damnit, you know better!” said Backer as he spit blood onto the floor.
“No, but you can hurt one well enough. Now get the hell out of my office!”
Jon Backer got up and steppe out the door into the Library. Walking to the elevator he made a vow to himself and to any spirts listening.
“I’ll get you Fraust, and when I do, your blood will taste no sweeter.”
Aran Star woke up, stretching his arms as the sun gazed into his room. The smell of last nights ‘meal’ was sufficent in his fangs. He walked out of his room and to the rather large living/dining room. The dead girl on the table and the blood all over the floor reminded him of last nights feeding. Him and his friend Jack had quite the spread. Five girls at the club were perfect for the picking, this one was named Seline or something, it didn’t matter. He would call one of Fraust’s clean-up crews to get the body out. Fraust made sure his community never really had to confine there movements, and so, formed clean up crews so that the community could feed at there pleasure, however brutal that had to be.
One thing did cross his mind though. That girl that walked out, Jennifer, she doesn’t stay with the other acolytes. To bad too, for many of the female acolytes cross over into ‘extra credit’. Aran taught many there skills, but Fraust told him to stay away from Jennifer, knowing her to be one of the most delighful women in the community, even for her age. As the clean up crew came in his house a hour later, he turned on the T.V. Another police catch of a vampire, and Aran couldn’t help but curse out loud. Then he saw the black drssed figure in the background. I’ve seen him before, Aran thought. Three other arrests. Damn Fraust won’t be happy that we have a hunter on our hands.