Sodina smiled at Maxiumus.
-“Thats a nice name.”
-“And so is yours. May we get started milady?”
Sodina picked up her pencil, handed it to Maxiumus and he beginned his work for her.
Sodina was surprised at how well Maxiumus explained things to her. Like always when ever she was given one on one help, she founded that she understood. Sodina notice a small accent in Maxiumus’ speaking but refused to ask where he was from.
(I won’t let myself get drawn to him. Besides, he only helping me with school work and thats what I need to keep my mind on right now.)
Hours went by and Sodina saw that she was getting everything and answer were coming out like she never could get right. Finally the time came and the libertan acconced that the place was closing.
-“I thank you for the help Maxiumus. I really didn’t understand until you cam along and helped.” Sodina said as she stood outside with Maxiumus as the lights inside the building went off.
-“I am of any help to those who need it. Is there anything else you might need with?” Maxiumus said as wind and snow blow in his hair.
-“No, thats all. Well-I better get home before it gets too late. Thank you again.” And Sodina turned to walk away but was stopped as Maxiumus hand grabbed her arm and she turned around.
-“Sruly milady you are not walking home.” he said with concerned in his eyes.
-“I am. I always do. I’ll be fine.” Sodina inseted looking at Maxiumus gloved hand wishing she had some of her own.
-“No, this is not right. You are a young lady and you shouldn’t be walking home alone. I will take you home.”
A small bit over fear slammed into Sodina which she didn’t know where it came from. But she smiled and shook her head.
-“Sorry but I can’t do that. I’ll be fine. This is a good neighborhood. And-”
-“This is silly. You are shaking from the cold. You will surly change your death walking in the snow like this. Now, let me give you a ride. Where do you live?”
Sodina suddenly became annoyed and turned away from Maxiumus.
-“Look, I’ll be fine. Now I have to go.” Sodina said as she beginned to walk, shaking form the cold. He jacket was nothing more then a light wind breaker.
Sodina had walked a block when she felt a warm, leather jacket slip over her shoulders. She stopped and looked up to find Maxiumus standing beside her. She hadn’t even notice that he had been behind her a whole block.
-“Milady, if your not going to let me give you a ride home then I will walk home with you. I would not be able for forgive myself if I let you walk home in the snow.”
Sodina hide a shy smiled as she wrapped the jacket arould her and beginned walking again. It warmed her quickly and smelled of a light cologne and soap.
-“Were about 7 more blocks from my house. Are you sure you don’t want your jacket back?” She asked looking up at him noticing the first time how much taller Maxiumus was to her.
He smiled donw at her, snow in his dark raven hair and he wore nothing but a thin yet tight black shirt under his jacket, to Sodina, he almost seemed like an angel. But that though was quickly wiped away as she looked down at the snow clover ground. A part of her just wouldn’t be drawn to him. And that was her feeling.
Maxiumus sighted beside Sodina as if her knew what she was thinking. The countied on without either of them saying a word to one another. Sodina tried to find something to talk about but she was a bit clue less and really wasn’t in the mood for talking.
After a while, they made it to Sodina’s empty home and Maxiumus stopped on her porch.
-“Here’s your jacket back. Thank you. It’s very nice.” Sodina said as she slipped it off and handed it to Maxiumus. But he refused it.
-“Keep it milady. You need it more than me I’m sure. Come back to the liberty whenever you need help again. Good night.” And he walked off the porch before Sodina could portast about his jacket and was gone in no time.
Sodina went into her house and closed the door looking down at the jacket. She did need it and when she read the label by whom it was made by, the gasped.
-“These damn leather jackets coast about a thousand at the cheapest! How could he just give something like this away? Sodina shook her head and tossed the jacket on her bed once she got upstairs to her room.
She slowly took a shower, taking her time washing every inch of her body. She stepped out naked and walked to her tall mirror, looking at her naked body. She ran a hand over her breast, taking care to bearly touch it.
-“I’m beautiful, am I not? So why don’t boy fight over me like others? That do they have that I don’t?”
Sodina pulled out the pin that help her hair together out and let her dark red hair fall over her shoulders that clover her breasts. A suddent flashes went off in her head and she could picture Tony. Sweet Tony she told everything too. The one that promised they were soul mates and he would marry her one day. The Tony Sodina once told she loved him, but wondered why he couldn’t say it back. The kind Tony, the soft looks in his eyes, the way he looked at her and made Sodina feel like she was perfect in every way. The soft hands that rubbed on her body like a soft frether that sent chills running over Sodina. And then came the flash of those soft hands holding her down, slapping her back awake when she pasted out. The pain, the blood.
Sodina fell back onto her bed sobbing uncontrollable now. How could she live with pain, who could?
Maxiumus smiled as he lept down from the tree. Sodina was indeed in need of healing. But what more what something had to be done about this Tony.