Dark Kiss of Evil Chapter 9

Sodina sat on the big giant arm chair that always seemed to make her sink in. With a bag of popcorn on one side of her and a can of soda on the other, there was no better way to enjoy a movie for Sodina.

But she sighed as the movie played on. Her mind just wasn’t in the mood for the film.
It had been an week and a half since the since with the wrist cutting happened to Sodina. It had also been a week since she had last seen Maxiumus. The night she woke up in the hopitial, Maxiumus was there and said when she was done, they would leave together. Sodina had then agreed to tell Maxiumus about her story with Tony and what he and his friends had done to her.
Maxiumus had left out of the room and Sodina hadn’t seen him since then. The nurse had told her that he left, leaving money for the bill and a limo was on call for her when her 6 hours were over with. Sodina was angry at Maxiums at that time, how could he just leave her like that!?
Three days after leaving the hospital, Sodina returend to school, and like always, she left school and headed to the liberty in hopes of find Maxiums there, at the table where that alway sat.
But he wasn’t there. And Sodina became a little worried.
(What happen to him? Did I make him mad at me or something?)
Sodina sighed loudly and laded down on the sofa. She smiled to herself as she looked at the T.V. An overwalming warmth came over her when she though about how hands Maxiumus always looked. Tall, long dark hair, wide shoulders, lovely eyes, and in possible soft lips.
(I can’t this!? Have I fallen in love with him?)
Sodina smiled even more as the answer came to her head. Maxiumus truly cared about her. HE was always around since they had meant. Kind and gentil with words. He was always helping her and then even saved her. Sodina felt a small bit of guilt come over her when she though of how mean she had been to him. But she was sorry now and would like nothing more to see him again.
-“Come back to me Maxiumus.” Sodina whispered as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
Maxiumus suddenly stopped walking and looked behind him at the dark sky, wind blowing his hair in his face.
(Did Sodina just call for me?)
True, he could feel it. When ever a moral called his name, no matter how far he was, he could hear and fell their need. In Sodina’s case, she wanted Just him.
(I wish I could come to you. I want you more than you could ever know Sodina. But I must take care of this first.)
Maxiumus made a silence promise that he was returning to Sodina, to steal away her very soul. But Damon had to be dealt with first.
As if it all happened yesterday, Maxiumus remembered when he begin his hate for Prince Damon. A vampire with unbelieve powers. Damon was a vampire like no other. Storng and dangerous with an out of control temper if he ever got to mad. Immortals fell to their deaths if they eve came so much as 5 feet away from him when they intended harm. He could brew a storm whit termoundous winds and thunder with the snap of his finger. And could change the orbit of planets with a sigh of his breath. In other words, Damon was too powerful for his own needs. And one of the powers that he loved the most was the art of wilding women. If he ws ever seen out walking somewhere,women would fal to their knees and beg to be noticed with even knowing what they were doing. they would do his beading no matter what they were. And the power that Sodina held that could keep Maxiumus away, wouldn’t be anthing for Damon to over come, even if it was 50 times more power than it was.
Now Maxiumus stood outside of the castle that Damon stared in, dread filling his mind. He had to stop Damon.

(Author Note: I wanted to put say that I’m sorry for the long delay in my next chapter. I really hate to put you all on hold. I hate to be put on hold. But with tests, and school, and Exams, they’re going to be the death of me, you know how it can be when you’ve got 8 classes year round and it’s slowing down my computer time. Sorry this chapter is so short. But once I get these Exams out of the way, Darkness.com will be flooded with more chapters!! Once again, thank you! I promise, this story will be finished. I will not stop it right in the middle.! šŸ™‚ )

By Dark Angelique

I'm not a vampire. But I wish I were. I so I write about them and I am told, my stoires are pretty good. What do you think? But let me ask, do you believe in vampires? That seems to be the question I'm always asked becasue thats what I write about. Srange, but I do not believe. I need to see it to believe it. Thats just how I am. But a side from that, My love in them will always remain the same. Just so you know, I am not the type to Write a story and not finsh it. Thats stupid. I don't like unfinshed things. So my promise to all of you is, every story that I write, now matter how long, (and the longest time it will take for me to post more is 2 weeks and no more than that) I will finsh everything that I post. A promise to you from me. And please send me your comments. Email or post no matter how cold it may be, I like feed back. Let me know if I need to add something or stop something in my writing. So if you've got all this time to read this bio, you've got time to send me something. Email or whatever. I'm all ears and I will write you back. Do enjoy my writings and thank you~