There is no heartbreak, there is no numb feeling, there is no feelings of regret, there is no holding the torch either, there is only what plainly is. What we saw then was not what it was, only a surface reflection of what we wanted then.
There were things under the surface of the river of life’s stream that had yet to be touched upon. These things are now to come to surface.
So the day ends as the reflection comes down and the stark light of clarity shines in. You could not see what was comming and I was blinded by the intensity. In one way we have switched ‘identity’ in this. You have gone into the emotional from the logical and I have gone the other way. You need to learn that part which you have not yet in life which I have known very well and decided to learn on purpose through the darkness. Now it is your turn.
For me I move on, detach and watch as you struggle on your own terms as I know you won’t accept my help right now, and would not understand what I offer. You are now blind as I was moments before, one day you will come to understand that which you do not now. I feel no pain, love is still there under it all but not as before. If I were as I had been in the past, I’d hate you now…but I don’t, something essential has changed.
(sorry all if this isn’t dark enough for some. But I needed to post this one.)
sounded a lot like something i feel sometimes. i don’t think it really matters how dark somethings are, just that we get them out.
If it isn’t dark enough for people, they can just get over it.
It has sense and purpose.