
She’s not easy to remember, you know
Chemical crossing boundaries
She’s got fire in her hair.

A mad burst of screaming,
she never lets you just decay, does she?
Loud intercourse,
interupting me bcause you want more.

Well I’m sorry but I never had
anything to give in the first place.
(He stripped me of that a long time ago.)

We all have bad habbits
and you
seem to be one of mine.

Threaten to tell my secrets
if I don’t strip down in front of you.
Do I really have any secrets you could tell?

This is how you like it
I’m naked,
completly exposed,
standing in front of you like a little girl.
The only thing I wear is my six month old, chipped nail polish.

Well what do I get out of this?
I’m sorry but I’ve lived your life long enough.
Nothings easy to remember when you’re dead.