
I for one don’t believe in life afterwards…that’s for sure, but i do believe there is something out there, smater than us (i’d prefer not to use “greater”)….u know, like aliens, but nothing supernatural. I believe all problems have a scientifical explanation, even if man hasn’t found it yet…perhaps we will never be able to understand some answers…and that is really sad don’t you think?

I for one don’t believe in life afterwards…that’s for sure, but i do believe there is something out there, smater than us (i’d prefer not to use “greater”)….u know, like aliens, but nothing supernatural. I believe all problems have a scientifical explanation, even if man hasn’t found it yet…perhaps we will never be able to understand some answers…and that is really sad don’t you think?
I’ve certainly had my share of problems and been sourrounded by Death many times…years ago I was quite obsessed by it and I oftened wondered myself why people are affraid by it, because i certainly way…Wanna know what I believe? That there is no Death without Pain and most of us are affraid of the “D” instead of being scared of the “P” which is the hidden cause of our fears…