don’t look too shocked, we’ll die soon anyway
i must say, the way you pretend your life isin’t falling apart is quite amusing
cover it up with makup and hair dye
they stare at you and smile, forgetting their wives at home
unmistaken beauty, used to the point of decay
it makes me sic, laughing out loud, you sparkle like a diamond, they look at you and at what they hate.
but your insides are rotten. it frightens me.
the words that cut have a right to be mean. pretty people rule the world. you use it to the point where it’s not even true.
smile just right, come on you can do it, abuse all around you, you can do it, come on, make me sick.
i won’t tell your truth, that your dying inside. come on you can do it, phoniness is all you have left.
you were born with beauty in a world that’s full of hate. you pretend your not like them,throw away what you no longer use.
your industructable, your crazy in a smart way
you walk around like you own this place, in your dream world of lies
your the queen of denial, the queen of dismay, how can you save someone from themself?
can you save what is lost? will you save yourself somhow? will you still grow up to be a star?
is your heart still intact? will you make it somehow?