Dementia’s Dream

Sugar coated hatred.
Lives, flickering in a graveyard.
Tiny strands of hope, broken at the slightest touch,
lost forever.

Sugar coated hatred.
Lives, flickering in a graveyard.
Tiny strands of hope, broken at the slightest touch,
lost forever.
A breath of air where there is none.
The life held tightly is one first taken.
A childs soul cannot escape the purgatory of a mothers love.
Blood is falling from the sky,
an angels teardrops.
My soul is tortured by air bourne care.
All is lost untill it is found.
Darkness pools at our feet, we shall drown in our own fears.
People run from themselves, trying to escape.
Mirror shards help you bleed, each a reflection of yourself.
Children scream in fear and pain.
A child plays in an empty grave, burried alive.
A mind is preserved in the empty tomb of the skull,
silently going insane.

By HatefulLover

I am probably one of the creepiest things you'll ever see. I am one of the deepest people on this earth. secrets are to be revealed only in death....