Deppression Make Way For Love

Horrid isn’t it. I sit in my room, listining to music, all kinds, Cradle of Filth, KoRn, Stained, Dying Fetus, Slipknot, whatever. The shades drawn, darkness envelops me, laying on my bed, staring at the gleaming knife that I hold before my face.

Ah, Suicide. Seems an easy answer. For a few precious seconds, after cutting those little veins, your entire life flashes before you. You see all the happy things, then you get to the bad. And the bad always wins. There are times when happiness grants you its gift. But the sadness and anger always return. The nights, sitting, alone, in the dark, thougts running thru my head. Thoughts of everything. I hate it, I hate it all, the people, those imbicils, so ignorant to the fact that life is evil. The human race, so currupt. Hatred, Lust, Desire, Greed. True Evil. So much on my mind that the world does not see. Stuck, ready to scream, ready to cry, at the same time. I want to scream at the world and show them what they dont see. I could tell what I feel, but it is so much easier to stay locked up inside. Take everything I feel and keep it inside for the day. Then I get home, go to my room, and it all floods back. The scars that litter my body. This torment brought to me thru my own mind. Incredible. Was Suicide the only answer, was there no other way to escape this Forlorn world. No way to clear my head.

But then she came along. Kristen. Ah, so beautifull. Not sad of angry, just happy to be with me. LOVE. So great. The deppression cast aside. And I thank the Goddess for the gift of love.

For love is the other answer… and with its power, i can rid myself of this agony!

By RavenofFilth666

Deppressed, gothic and have a whole lotta hatred twords nothing in particular, there are more important things to worry about


  1. I agree, love heals all wounds. Especilly if it’s the unconditional kind, the kind of love that if lost, you become a better and stronger person from it. Haveing that person in your life (even if the time was brief), made all the difference.

  2. i don’t remember any happy days. my days happen. but i can never have a truly happy day. i try to ruin my mood early in the morning. if at night, for even just one moment, i relish in thought of how good my day went, everything explodes and hits me at once. i’ve just plain given up. love, definately, is not an answer for me.

  3. It makes sence, you dont want to exspect too much from your day and be disappointed when it dosen’t turn out the way you exspected.

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