As I stare out into nothing I see nothing but black emptiness. Theres no point of living no point to feel this sadness anymore. Why should we have to live through life when all we want to do is die. Why should we live in depression when all you get is ten seconds of happiness and then the darkness takes over once again. Why is everyone so afriad of dieing when it ends the sadness and suffering. Why should you keep living when the one thing that you lived for has been destoryed. Life is just an endless line of suffering and I want to end it not only for me but everybody around me. I hate this world humans destory other things/humans without relizing what they are doing. Destorying one another killing humans slowing watching them suffer and get enjoyment from it. Why would a “god” do this. Is this so called god worse then us, getting a high from watching his creation destroy eachother. This is my end, I’m ending my suffering……