I could not forget the night that he had come to visit me. Something about him… something…
Our second meeting came 3 weeks later. During a training session, our master told us to get with a partner of equal skill and practice some sparring drills outside. Immediately I looked around for Rauk, knowing that there was no other there who stood a chance against my real skills. For an instant I thought of asking the master, but no… no that would be too dangerous. Not yet.
Rauk found me first. He tapped my shoulder and I gracefully spun around.
“May we?” He spoke. I gave a slight nod and we walked outside together. We both knew to head for a spot away from others, so we could talk while practicing. We stopped in a clearing just outside of the woods. “I have some papers for you, Alizanon.”
Papers? “What kind of papers?” I asked as we began to assume our attack stances. We removed our swords and began to swing at each other, not getting into things quite yet.
“Papers that will be of great value to you, my dear. But you must earn them first.” He winked and sliced his sword very close to my stomach. I leaped back.
“Earn them? What, by defeating you?” He nodded. I laughed aloud. “You must not know of my skills foreigner!” I took a graceful swing by his head, and he, ducking, took a swipe at my knees. Things were speeding up, and I jumped quickly to save my legs.
“I have heard of these skills that you claim. ‘Tis why I have asked to be graced with them. Fear not in hurting me, for I am an equal.”
I could not believe my ears! An equal? I recalled the times I had watched him sparring with others. He was clumsy and slow. And now he seemed a new person, crisp, clean and smart. I began to wonder if he, perhaps, had been hiding his skills just as I had. If so, he hid them better than I.
We sparred for nearly an hour, growing tired and worn. With the last of my strength, I executed my most deadly trap. Fake swipe to the left knee, then to the right, fake left jab, fake left low kick and before Rauk new it, my sword was tickling his throat. I felt his near my heart. All was silent now. We both breathed hard, and after a second we collapsed onto a log where we leaned against each other.
“You spoke of your skills wisely. You have earned the right…” He produced 3 sheets of tan paper and handed them to me. I grasped them, still breathing hard.
~Dated: Age 15, 07Aug17
~Profile for: Domiscus Eresidel
~Race: Unknown
~Personality: Paladin
~Born: 13th age, 16Jan07
~Height: 6’7″
~Weight: 240-280
~Trained in: Quaaf 17, Lahmar 12, Death 15, Qeadar 20. (Qeadar training completed on this age 23Feb17)
~Assumed rank of attack: Death Starr/Mage
~Trained in White Magic? Yes
~Trained in Black Magic? Yes
~Known weaknesses:
That last part was left blank. No weaknesses?! It went on to describe the man’s home and personal life. What really interested me were his skills! Complete Qeadar training?! 3/4 completed Death training?! This man was insane. He would undoubtedly complete Quaaf training in 6 months, also. He was a machine. Born: 13th age, 16Jan07. I began calculating in my head. Today is Age 15, 07Aug17. An age equals 25 years, add ten, he is only 35 years old! Unbelievable. A Death Starr/Mage at 35… That is 2 before Qeadar Llevado, the highest rank one can reach in their lifetime… I looked up at Rauk.
“Who is this?” I asked him.
“This is my enemy. He is yours, also.”
I laughed a little. “My enemy? Oh, he is much too strong for me. I have only one enemy. And he will be destroyed for what he did.”
“Only together may we destroy your enemy, Alizanon. And in doing so, we will destroy mine.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about. Who are you? Why are you here? What…?” I couldn’t spit out the words fast enough. What is he talking about? I shook my head.
“These are the hidden facts, Alizanon. These are the facts that no one knows. This is everything about him. The only thing it doesn’t include… is the hundreds of people that he has killed…” he hesitated a bit. “Including Damien, including your mother.”
My heart dropped. How…? I began to get very frightened. How does he know so much? How can he…?
“I’m sorry for your loss, Alizanon. Damien was an excellent warrior. But he stood no chance alone. This is why we shall succeed! We’ll do this for your mother, the late Queen Eystia. And we’ll do it for Damien, your beloved Damien, who sought to avenge your mother’s death. We will succeed, Alizanon, you and I together. Take my hand now, and bind our destinies…”
Well, your love of fantasy and the age of warriors spills over into your writing. I must admit, I have read all three parts and I am very interested in where this story is going. You have a wonderful, fertile mind J. I eagerly await more. ———Heal
i havent got to read the first and second part but it seems good…but dont preach coz warrior stuff like that tend to preach…and preaching is kind of boring and earsplitting..
anyway its great, ,keep up ill be waiting for the next part..
very interesting.. u must have taken the time to make this story part perfect.. i haven’t read the first two parts but i will make sure i do
Hey, I lub this. Very well written, interesting, and you’ve found a way of unfolding the story without giving too much away. ^^