did you ever notice how
when you’re not paying attention
reality slips
just a little bit
just enough
so you know it happened
colors dancing on a white ceiling
or a spider smiling
and saying hello
and you think
that couldn’t have happened
and go on your merry way
but then
it happens again
a little more
more than last time
the spider has friends
or music in your head
and you think
am i crazy
one day
when you least expect it
it jumps out
full force
just for a second
a colony of spiders
colors everywhere
and you think
what is that
till one day
when it comes
and you want it to
multicolored spiders everywhere
singing forgotten ballads
and you don’t think
you just open your mouth
and let the music fill you
until you realize
reality is those spiders
and you are one of them
singing along
this life is the web
the spiders weave
around the poor unfortunate souls
they trap
and you broke free
free to be
any color
any size