
1. How many times has it been that you know you’re doing something wrong, but you still go ahead and do it? Dont know about you, but I’ve fucked up on those lines a million times.

Now there’s the question. If everything is, as they say, pre-planned or pre-destined, then why does someone do wrong? Is it because it was meant to be? If it was meant to be, then was it meant to be that you go to hell? And if it was meant to be that you go to hell, then why do any good in the first place? How can one say that its fate? Or destiny?

2. When you take 2 lexotanils, 1 valium, 1 xanax and 1 ativan you feel that superimposition I was talking about.

3. Moonshine blinds you because its not ethanol you consume… its methanol. And that methanol’s broken down in your eyes, causing retinal damage. And guess what? Know the cure for someone who’s had a lot of moonshine? You get them fucked up on ethanol (i.e regular booze). Know why? Because both forms of alcohol compete for the same enzymes. A friend told me this. And I know I have nothing better to do. Who gives a shit?

By Qadir

isn't it all like a movie where everything is superimposed? the blur from your movements follows you... not like a shadow, yet still like in in many ways....


  1. Boredom at its best. Very interesting. As for the pre-destination crap, life’s only what you make out of it. But it won’t matter in the end…

  2. With destiny and fate, jump the rails and try a different road. When you see the fork in the road, take the other one. If they say it should be that way, break your perception and they won’t see you again.

  3. predestination… well, think of it this way. if predestination does exist, then there’s no way around it. for everything you tried to use to circumvent the future problem will still you lead you to that problem because it was already preplanned. the paradox can be mind boggling.

  4. If predestination exists, then I must ask this question that no one likes to hear- Why??? It’s like a bad soap opera! Whoever’s planning our fates must like seeing us suffer just for kicks. “Okay, hmmm… I’ll make him die, just to spice things up a little! Oh, this is gonna be great!” We should make our own choices… Don’t wait to see how things turn out, take control! It’s YOUR life to do whatever you want with.

  5. I don’t believe in fate. Whoever does… well, i dunno, we’ll get them help.

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