dilemma … of my life….

Darkness!! the constant copanian on journey of my ilfe… By nature i’m not a “gothic” as others might define but somany times i have urges that turns me into that pure beast, which is as connected to darkness and pain-death as to spikes and heavy metal… but in normality i find my self standing before society where i have to push my dark beast inside of my own soul and live life such as a so called normal… and that PAINS!! SO MUCH!!

the pain it brings is indeed enormous. None can stay away long from what he/she desires to have/be… Yes, i feel the same… i watch my self being torn in two halfs manytimes… and then they both which are ‘me’ fights!! and the physical hurt i have is nothing compare to emotional hurt i feel. The “Dark satyr” inside of me feel neglected… rejected. that intensifies my torment day after day… after day… and sounds in my head those were whispers before, now changes into yells and eventually cries… i heard the words like… pain… blood… kill… conquer… ‘mine’… ‘mine’… “ALL MINE”!!

Nevertheless Its far before i will totally give my self up to the beast inside of me. After that, It will surely happen that THEY will rename my “dark satyr” as a mental illness… but than i will no loger carry a fake mask of normality, i’ll no longer be passing throgh suffers. i’ll totally be my self than…

This is my dilemma… what to choose, before THEY choose it for me???

real??? or FAKE???
peace??? or SUFFER??
light??? or DARKNESS???

…. but yet DEATH or LIFE???

*†Dark Satyr†*

By *Dark Satyr*

*PoWeR HuNgErY* * A pUrE SaTyr * ***something in nothingness *** *************