I hate Dinosaurs. They’re arrogant and shifty. Have you ever had a Dinosaur look you in the eyes. No! Of course not. When they do look at you they always look down on you. It’s as if they think they are better than us humans. It’s as if they think they are God’s gift to planet Earth or something. You know something else, they are danger to public safety.
Let’s just say that you’re walking down the street and all of sudden you trip over and fracture your skull and you end up in hospital. And why do you end up in hospital. I’ll tell you why you ended up in hospital. A Dinosaur. A lazy, shifty Dinosaur who discarded it’s leg bone on the footpath without a second thought and limped off. Since dinosaurs have come to our country you have to be careful where you walk these day. It was never like this before Dinosaurs came. No, it wasn’t. You can’t walk through the city gardens anymore because gangs of newly arrived dinosaurs hide behind trees and bushes, and jump out and bash you up and job you of everything you have on your person and that’s if your lucky. Often enough they don’t just bash you and job you, they often steal a leg or arm into the bargain. All Dinosaurs should be kicked out of the country. Have you ever wondered why supermarket food is rubbish, yet the supermarket chains’ advertisements always claims their food is the freshest and highest quality. Well, their food is the best, but the dinosaurs know when the new deliveries come in and they get all the best food while we get the leftover rubbish. That’s not all, when dinosaurs come to our country our government gives them ten thousand dollars, a land cruiser, a herd of cattle, twelve sheep, six horses, three wombats and kangaroo with a middle east child refugee in it’s pouch. The government does everything for those Dinosaurs while thousands of kids live in cardboard boxes they find on the streets. And you don’t have to guess who threw those boxes there in the first place. Do you? Oh, I can hear all those bleeding hearts jumping to the defence of Dinosaurs. Saying such things like, ‘Dinosaurs haven’t an understanding of the ways of our society as they come from an alien culture,’ or they’ll claim, ‘Dinosaurs are extinct and how could people like you make such outrageous claims.’ Extinct my arse. You just have look at what’s happened to the suburb I live in to see that Dinosaurs are slowly taking it over and this is happening in every major city across our country. It’s not hard to spot a dinosaur’s house. Not one of them has got a roof, door or window left standing and it’s because they kick them out and smashed them to pieces. Their front yards and their backyards are pig sties with bones, rotting meat and rubbish strewn everywhere. They have no respect for their own homes and they show no respect for anyone else’s home. They don’t speak our language or even try to learn it. Socially and culturally they will never fit into our country no matter how much money our government throws at them. They don’t belong. Our government should make a stand and say no more Dinosaurs and then they should gather up all the Dinosaurs that are already here and deport them back to where they came from. If that happens our government could allow more human refugees into our country which would benefit our great nation in the long run. Our country for humans, not for arrogant, lazy, shifty dinosaurs.