hi fellow goths. i would like to say i don t like hearing gothic people talk about how “stupid” christians are. no i am not a christian, and if forced to say i would say i m an atheist (although agnostic is a better word).
i grant you that many people who are christian are stupid. and that the christian influence in this country is often a destructive thing. i hate puritanicalism just as much as all of you. and it bothers (the hell out of) me when people talk about “god s plan”. but don t hate christians flatly. that s not better than christians telling you you are going to hell. if you are tolerant of there beliefs they might become tolerant of yours.
thank you.
nice to see you caught out for a change, but T. has a point.
This is something that will go on forever. The most vicious wars in mankinds history is based on religion, and I do not think it will stop anytime soon.
I have no problems accepting people no matter what religion they go by or what god(s) they believe in. As long as they do not force it upon me! The one thing I really hate is someone else forcing their religion down my throat, arguing with each word and not even listening to my objections. I have decided there is no RIGHT religion to live by, however, if there is a god, he goes by many names, and we will all face him one day and when that day comes, I’ll just tell him how stupid everything sounded, so I chose to be on my own in that matter.
Now, back to all those different religions. What are we going to do about them? Nothing? It’s not like we would be any better if we forced someone else to give up their religion, but at the same time, we don’t want fanatics blowing up our neightbours car do we? I think the only two ways to end this would be to either nuke our planet completely (nothing lives) or we need an alien race as a common enemy to bring us together…what a prospect..
Zeke “I don’t belive in nuttin”
fortunately for you all im very tired at the time of this comment or it would make (no harm intended) some of LordShadow’s longest writings look like an incomplete thought……….christians….where do I begin….with a very few exceptions they fall into one of 3 catagories……..1.simpletons who do whatever their preachers and their Bible tell them 2.Fanatics…3.those who justify in the name of God acts that even he(if he exists) would denounce…my town is full of groups 1 and 3……their are, however as i have said a few christians i have encounterd who truly believe in christian teachings and as a result are tolerable decent people, a couple of which i even call friend….the most of them however, are going to target you every chance you get and build themselves by pushing you down, trust me, i know. The secret to it is very simple…..if you tolerate them, that just shows you have patience….but it often doesn’t change things……if you fight back……it might stop them but it can also trigger a war you might not want to get into………or you can just ignore them whenever possible…which ive found tends to be the best method possible. Personally, so long as they don’t try and preach to me or force their ways upon me i don’t take it personally, its when they feel they have to talk to you about God or show up on your door (Hi, are you ready for Jehovah’s arrival…….Damn right i just got done sharpening a few extra knives and my buddy’s rilfe is freshly cleaned and oiled
My prespective:
You can not just go around judging groups of people, whether it be, Christians, Pagans, Satanist, Indians, African Americans, Whites,
etc…(you get the point), because a group does not just have one mind but many.
Groups consist of individuals!
*When you judge something or someone, in the end you are only judging yourself*- Jaded Innocents
Heh Well the stupidity of christians is not the only thing that I hate them for. I once was forced to leave Seattle, leaving almost everything I owned at a friends. It seems he had to leave himself and asked his brother to pick up my things and hold on to them. Well, this brother of my (once good)friend was shall we say Ultra-Christian, and decided to go through sealed boxes not of his. Finding a few art pictures of unicorns and dragons he proceeded to throw away everything I had, because “Unicorns are Satanic”. Including such satanic items as my neices baby pics and my high school yearbook. Call me prejudiced, call me incensed, but I hold a grudge against Christians and their ignorant, hypocritical ilk.
The Angry
hey thats true dont judge unless u know!
While it is true that it sucked…that does not mean all of them do.
My Mother and I are the “freaks” or “throw backs” in our family…the rest of them are christan, and yes, most are hypocrits. I am in possession of a bout a zillion unicorn themed items, all or most of which were gifts from those christian and ultra christain memebers of my family. A preschoolers dream.
Where the fuck did that moron get the Idea that unicorns where satanic….there have to be an even dozen stories that claim it for their gods favorite animal.
Dont let that lobotimy victim anywhere near my sketch books!!!
“You can not just go around judging groups of people”
What about these groups of people–
American Nazi Party
The Klu Klux Klan
Aum Shinriko (the japanese cult that nerve-gassed a subway tunnel)
The CIA’s MKULTRA project scientists (look it up on the ‘net.)
The Ton Ton Macoute (Papa Doc Duvalier’s secret police in Haiti.)
The German National Socialist party (Perhaps you’ve heard of them. They ran Germany during WW2. They were spear-headed by a charming fellow named Adolf.)
..and so on ad infinitum.Sometimes,there ARE groups that it would be wiser to judge from a distance.Rather like there are some animals that Nature has graciously agreed to warn us about with bright colors and sharp fangs,such as poisonous asps,spiders,toads,etc. Just something to think about.
I must desent!
You have it all wrong, no one judged nazi’s cause they were called nazi’s or cause their symbol was a swastica, they were judged bad, quite rightly i might add due to their actions, If adolf hadn’t ranted on and on about how jews were the bane of mankind, no one would have thought him such a bad guy, in fact he would have sounded much like any other nationalistic political figure” God help the reich” “we shall lead the world” The only reason you judge them from a distance now is simple, they are history and hindsight is 20/20. No one ever said I hate nazis just look at the way they dress. Hell they look like any other military orginazation. Their “LOOK” hadn’t until during and after wwII been considered vile, now its synonomous with what they did, and thus bad. Just as many people due to the tragedies in a few schools, now associate goth with, almost the same vehemence. Oh and by the way the swastica is based on the cross of changes which happens to stand for the elements, same as a pentacle is a symbol for man.
I thank you for at least aknowledging that christians are the ones that started fucking with us first. I also agree with you when you say that christians and their beliefs are stupid; however, i disagree with your belief that tolerence on our part is the answer. You must remember christians are following a dogma and have been doing so for many years. Us tolerating their incessant damning is not going to change their view on different people it is only going to make it stronger.
I may be a hypocrite cause i have to agree with constraint. I do have a special place reserved in my heart for mormons, and other bible thumpers who show up on my door step. They could be the exception to rule. And bats to anyone who makes their lives more difficult…… Interestingly the bible never said what to do after you’ve turned the other cheek, maybe thats when the whole eye for an eye kicks in.
I’m forced to ask…
what the Hell are you babbling about? At no point in my rebuttal did I mention clothing,or judging people based on appearances.The person I replied to said you couldn’t judge groups of people. I even quoted that directly.Then I pointed out that certain groups could be judged AS A GROUP. At no point in time did I say anything about their clothing or appearances. You have (rather poorly,I might add) attempted to put words in my mouth in order to bolster some sloppy,vaguely liberal “feel-good” polemic about everyone getting along.
“Lord” (of what? I’m curious. Is that an actual title of nobility and or achievement,or just a pretentious affectation?)..While I still haven’t made any decision to like or dislike you,I DO entirely disagree with your method of debate.It seems to be based entirely on buzz-words,cheap sentiment,personal attacks,and sloppy logic.
..and just to let you know…”desent” isn’t a word. It’s “dissent”. You really should consider investing in a dictionary,or make use of the ones on-line.
The swatika is based on the “cross of changes”,eh? My,we HAVE been reading our Llewellyn like good little wiccans,haven’t we. And here I had thought it was an Ayura-Vedic sun-god/fertility symbol that Hitler had found on a banner made by a dentist from starnzberg. But what would I know? I’m obviously a blind,un-read idiot.
Well hello Nevar this is i think a good topic and i hope i have the right person but i think you commet is true where did they get the idea that unicorns are sataic totally loses me
Thank you for putting words that belong in this conversation. There is a person whom I do not agree with here, and of course he in return. After a minor tiff I called it best in at least my own interests to leave sleeping dogs where they lie.
But It seems that this person continues to respond as if I care, ok so I do in some respect as I’m posting this, so in part this is a rebuttal to a post that I haven’t read. But if he had checked the dates and time on the posting he would see. Anyways on to the point. Where do we get by trying to convert everyone else to our version of reality? Good question, especially since most of what we fight over isn’t whether there is a “higher power” but rather what his/her name is.
Here is the question
Would you go over to someones house and shoot this person simply for not thinking that what you believe in is the absolute truth.
Take it a step farther say you and this person got into a minor tiff and the other person walked away, said “hey fuck it we’re not goin to get along whats the point I’m goin home”
Perhaps we do need to blame aliens or nazi’s someone cause people seem way to bent on proving themselves king of a hill that doesn’t exist.
yes granted but not all christians are bad
very true Shadow………….but the ones are more than make up for the very few that aren’t……..when i find those few……im even known to befriend them……the others………i try to ignore as much as possible
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