How about that phrase..Embrace the darkness…. I can understand if you choose to embrace it, to keep it inside and not let it out, or let it out and hurt everyone you once cared for (or atleast yu thought you cared for) embrace and let it eat its way at your soul to where you have no feeling whatsoever,no love, no laughter, no memories of you innocence as a child.
All you have is hate…the hate that destroys families, the hate that seperates you from THE OTHERS, the same hate that you inflict on others for enjoyment. Yes, I very much so understand that phrase..
But what happens when it embraces you? what happens when you have noone that understands what your going through to talk about it to?? i mean, come on…whats a shrink gonna do for you? sit there, nod, and telly ou that you have a problem, WHICH WE ALREADY FUCKIN KNEW, DIPSHIT, and maybe give you some drugs to help it. THE THE FUCK ARE DRUGS GONNA DO FOR YOU?? sure there fun to have around, but there not gonna get rid of the darkness within…the one slowly killing who you are and what you believe in and changing everything to fit its desires. what do you do when the darkness embraces you?WHAT CAN YOU FUCKIN DO?
~~Midnight Lust~~
I agree with you completely.
you can brace yourself and bare down for the storm that will never end
you can run out in the rain and bask in the glory of a nature that will one day be your death.
to embrace darkness, you must first understand why it’s there. –mourning
darkness = possession
we’re all influenced by the enemy, his side of the story, some of his views. If you don’t embrace it, of course it controls, rapes you of your true thoughts.
But what do you hope to achieve from this post? And what does you name mean?
I Embrace the Darkness to find the Light.
The darkness within isn’t just about ‘hate that seperates you from others’ there are other things within as well. Fear, loneliness, depression, death, etc that come along as well, so I sit around with these guys and have a bit of a talk with them all every so often when a crisis is hit. They can remain within and be transmuted into something more useful than just hate or envy. Understanding of thy self.
If you feel the Drakness Embraces you, so be it and deal with it on your own terms. Stop for a moment and find out why…
And you’re right, drugs don’t help in most cases, they can screw you up more instead. I’ve seen it done, physically and mentally and emotionally.