
The worls is filled with
Love And Chaos.
What a strange mixture,
For the world today.

The worls is filled with
Love And Chaos.
What a strange mixture,
For the world today.

How are we supposed to know,
Who is true and who is not?
How are we supposed to know,
the difference between love and lust?

There are so many emotions,
that we can’t describe like,
love, lust, hate, pain, desire.
What do they all mean anyway?


  1. when ever you find out the answer to that question tell me cause i would like to know also

    ~*living proof*~

  2. Love, lust, hate, pain, desire…they are all the same. Emotions that make up life itself. To stop feeling entirely would be to give up on life itself. Life is made of moments…though they may be good or bad. Emotions are a product of the human condition to love or to be loved.

  3. and that is what makes us few lonely souls what we are because we do not love and we are not loved

  4. Emotions..the essence of life…..all can never be totally understood now..but can be felt and known with a little faith……

  5. And what is it you believe in Scarlet Mind Angel? What faith do you have? It seems to me the querry of emoticions can only be answered in riddles. There are no straight answers for such a difficult subject. Emotions are like a sickness…infesting your insides…clouding your judgements…bringing you pain and suffering. Emotions only get in the way.

  6. True…there are no complete, direct answers but for one ….no matter what….love conquers all……..too many people are oblivious to how fuckin great everything is. Everythin evil….pain…suffering…all caused by man…if people would fuckin open their eyes and realize this life isnt all about them people would see that……..ive seen it happen…miracles…well things that certainly freaked me out… guess we’ll all find out sometime…….. things arent always as they seem.

  7. Oh..and to answer your question i believe in God……that true happiness lies only in him…….ive seen it..and ive found it out myself…..thats why i beleive from my own experiences and shit… whatever you believe is cool i respect it…

  8. Oh..and to answer your question i believe in God……that true happiness lies only in him…….ive seen it..and ive found it out myself…..thats why i beleive from my own experiences and shit… whatever you believe is cool i respect it…

  9. Its kind of funny…i believe in god myself but not in the same way most people do. I believe god is a force that hold the integrity of humans together…God is the reason why we think at all….why we question our surroundings…why our hearts beat and we feel love or pain. How do you firmly believe in god even when your hope lets you down? How do you hold onto a lie that is only answered by the harsh truth that we are all on our own? Doesnt it bother you how such terrible things can happen to such good people while people who are most undeserving get all there mundane wishes granted? I dont know….just some thoughts to think about.

  10. its simple. when u hurt, stop feeling if u love someone, destroy them and when u lust cut off your genitials. stop feeling and u can start living life as what it is ment to be!

  11. i like it…. deep…. what do you really believe in? love and chaos are inseparable… as well as peace and war, if we dont believe in something we’ll be lost in this existence, mortals as we are we tend to hold on to ethereal things that we may feel infinity in the grasp of our fingers… doesnt matter what is true, if you merely believe the goodness life itself then that brings goodness to it, but whether it be right or wrong… we’ll never know…

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