Think of yourself before anyone else
Think of some more lies to tell
Make their young lives a living hell
Keep leading them to where you now dwell
Their just a product of your lust at the time
Now,your ready to just forget their even alive
You don’t really care at all
You just wanted to fuck away your lust,but then they came along
Born into a world of shit
And parents who are just like it
You kill their innocence,throw your pathetic fit
You ruined them now,congrats,shitty parents in a world of shit
Born into a world of shit,I wish everyone would die
And parents who are just like it,I wish everyone would die
You kill their innocence,throw your pathetic fit,I don’t care
You ruined them now,congrats,shitty parents in a world of shit,I wish everyone would just die
They observe their parents and what do they see?
Some,are self righteous fucks who fake what to be
Others,drugged up,burnt completely out,forever lost at sea
Now,they must ruin your life too,because now they know how worthless theirs are,they are,and now you see
So now,
You know just what they are,
Reproducing,self absorbed,careless waste
Foolish,without a clue,and waiting to die
You know what you want to do,so why not try?
Grab your guns,shoot everyone
Then kill yourself,that is,when your done
You know their as worthless as you are
You were born in a world of shit
You saw their endless,stupid,meaningless fits
Do them a favor,get them back
Kill them,then kill yourself
Your ruined,they were ruined,they ruined you too
Your shitty life in a world of shit,kill yourself
Once you know,its all you can really do
Think of yourself before anyone else
Think of some more lies to tell
Make their young lives a living hell
Keep leading them to where you now dwell
Adam Keith McElwain