“‘Johnny, we can’t do this. Someone will find out.’ I said.
‘Shut the fuck up you immature bastards. If you’re too fucking pussywhipped to do this than shut the fuck up and go away.’ Ryan said.
‘We’re not pussywhipped. We’re all in this together. There’s no backing out now.’ Johnny said.
‘I don’t see why you two fucking idiots have you panties in such a fucking bunch. I’m the one that’s gonna do it.’ Ryan explains.
‘I just don’t think this is such a good idea anymore.’ I said.
‘Oh, will you give it a fucking rest already. He fucking beats you, not me. We’re doing this for your fucking faggoty ass. You can’t even stand up for yourself. You have to come crying to Johnny and me with your, ‘Oh my daddy beat me.’ again. Grow up and get a fucking life.’ Ryan said.
‘You don’t have to be so hard on him, Ryan.’ Johnny said.
‘Shut up Johnny. Just remember that we all play our little part.’ Ryan said.”
“That’s when Ryan, Johnny, and I alll walked into my dad’s room. Ryan walked up to him and slashed his throat while Johnny and I kept watch. Johnny and I didn’t think he’d really do it. We just thought that it was more of his trash talk. We figured that he’d scare my dad and then we’d leave.” Eric explained.
“Eric, I’ve alread told you. No one has ever heard of Ryan Walker or Johnny Colemann. We have witnesses who say that they saw you enter and exit that room alone. Now tomorrow morning we’ll be back for some more quetions.” Detective Clark said.
After Detective Clark had left Johnny and Ryan stepped out of the motel bathroom.
“Why didn’t you guys help me?” Eric asked.
“We can’t help you kiddo. You murdered your father, not us.” Johnny said.
“You know that’s not true. You and I watched Ryan do it.”
Johnny cleared his throat. “Look in your back pack.”
Eric looked at the bag. It all of a sudden looked ominous. Like a cobra coiled up and ready to strike.
Eric opened the top pocket and reached in to pull out a blood soaked knife. “But…How…I don’t understand.”
“We’re part of you Eric. We are so fucking imbedded in that wiring in your brain that 50,000 years of new technology couldn’t wipe us out.” Ryan laughed
Eric looked at Johnny to help him understand.
“We’re not real Eric. No one can see us or hear us but you. We’re what’s called coconscious personalities. You formed us to deal with your problems. We’re aware of you at all times. You however are aware of us only when we manifest ourselves.”
Eric could not believe what was being said to him. Ryan and Johnny were’nt real? He had killed his own father? Eric’s head was spinning. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Of course you do.” Johnny said.
Ryan walked over to Eric and held the blade to his wrist. “The door’s already locked. You do the rest.”