He watched her from the darkness. His vampire eyes Taking in her every feature. Her long dark hair flowed over her shoulders in soft curls and her earth colored eyes looked blindingly in the darkness. She spun around in a circle making her white lace dress rustle with her movement. It gave her the look of a ballerina angel.
He smiled at her cute button nose that was lightly speckled with soft freckles and then he moved his gaze lower to her tiny, sensual mouth.
Those lips! Oh those desirable lips!
Oh, how he wished to go to her and take her into his arms and ravish those lips. Would she turn away? He moved his eyes even lower to look upon her slender neck. He could feel the thundering of her heart ring in his ears and the river of blood running through her veins.
His hunger grew.
He looked away in self-loathing. How could he even think of taking the sweet blood of this angel of a woman? He wished so much right then that he was human. That he was a real man. That’s what she deserved.
He turned to look again upon this angel’s beauty and all thoughts that he once had were soon forgotten. He hungered for her, but this hunger was not for her blood but for her. Just her.
Her gentle touch.
Her sweet voice.
Her light.
His body seemed to take over his mind and he moved towards her in the darkness without making a sound. The distance between them disappeared but still he could feel the gulf that separated them. He slowly reached out wrapping her in his steal embrace from behind. He took in the scent of her sweet hair and the sight of her beautiful face. His monster heart seemed to feel human again while holding this angel. Her skin glowed in the night and her earth colored eyes reflected the silver moon that looked down upon them from the window. She looked like a dark angel.
She leaned back into his embrace and closed her eyes softly. He was humbled by her acceptance.
“Oh Sebastian, I thought you wouldn’t come to me.”
Oh this angel, this sweet angel. She deserved so much more than he could give.
He spoke her name like it was a soft kiss. She twirled around in his arms and the lace of her white dress brushed against his fingertips. He looked deep into her eyes and all he saw was love. Deep love.
For him.
For a monster.
Pain started to pull at his soul while he looked at what he did not deserve.
“Miranda my angel, I thought you would turn away from me.”
A frown formed over her sweet lips and he felt his heart twist in his chest. He had caused that frown and he would do anything to make her smile.
“I would never turn away from you, my love. Don’t you know that?”
She reached up placing her small hand against his cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned into the soft touch. Once again he was humbled by her acceptance. How could he have ever thought that she would turn away? She loved him. He could feel the knowledge of it all around him. She knew what he was but yet, she stilled love him with all her heart.
Oh this angel!
He felt her lean up until she stood on her tiptoes and then her sweet lips brushed against his. He held her close to him while he lifted her feet off the ground and spun her around in a circle. When their lips parted all her heard was her sweet laughter ringing in his ears and he smiled down to her. She looked back up to him her brown eyes filled with happiness and then while she stared at him for what seemed a mortal lifetime the happiness in her eyes turned to desire.
He knew he must be staring at her in the same way because he too felt the passion rise between them. He lifted her up into his arms and swiftly carried her to the bed that was on the other side of the room. He laid her down softly on the mattress and then crawled down beside her. In one blink of an eye their cloths disappeared and his eyes wondered over her beautiful naked body.
His gaze moved slowly over the hills of her breasts and the valley of her stomach. He looked down at the dark curls between her thighs and he groaned deep in his throat. He gazed back into her passion glazed eyes and he moved over her. His hands caressed her soft curves and his lips brushed over her warm flesh.
Her hands moved up and ran through the silky strains of his hair. Her soft moans reached his ears making it hard to hold back any longer from possessing her body. He looked back up to her face and he saw the answer to the question that was burning inside him.
Yes, her eyes said.
Yes take me now.
He moved up and looked deeply into her eyes before he leaned down and took her sensual lips into his. He bit and suckled at them before he moved slowly forward and gently entered her. Their flesh joined and he felt the most complete sense of peace. For the first time in his dark existence he felt like a real man not a monster. He felt forgiven for what he was. Maybe God was still watching over him and gave him this angel.
He began to move tenderly and slowly inside her. Her soft moans reached his ears and her legs wrapped tightly around his waist. He moved his kisses lower to her slender neck and the bloodlust rose up inside his gut.
He froze.
He felt the peace and serenity leave and the monster take over once more. He turned his head away from her neck and held back tears he felt coming. Why couldn’t he be human for this angel? He felt her soft hand on his cheek but he couldn’t look at her.
Her voice beckoned to him and it took all his strength not to look at her. He knew that if he looked at her the bloodlust would come upon him strong and hard and he did not know if he could hold it back this time.
Her angelic voice beckoned to him again but this time he had to look at her. He had to look into her eyes to see if they were filled with love or fear. He turned his head slowly and when he looked into her eyes he felt hot tears run down his cheeks. Love is what he saw in her eyes. Sweet love. Then he saw the concern and he felt her brush away those tears from his face. Tears started to run down her face instead and he was filled with a rush of horror.
“Oh my god Miranda, did I hurt you?”
He then noticed that her eyes were not filled with hurt but just that deep concern for him.
“What’s wrong Sebastian, did I displease you?”
Guilt filled his heart and he quickly bundled her up into his arms.
“No my angel, its just I….I…” he sighed.
how could he tell her he wanted her blood? She would probably run away in fear of what he wanted. He looked up into her eyes and he saw understanding but to his surprise he did not see fear. She gently stroked his cheek and then to his horror she lifted her neck to his mouth.
He froze.
“Please Sebastian my love, Drink. I promise I will not run away. Drink please Sebastian, I know you want it and I am not scared enough to not give it to you.”
With her words he couldn’t deny himself the pleasure of tasting her sweet blood. He lowered his mouth once again to her throat and while his sharp fangs slowly punctured her soft flesh. He began to move within her once more tenderly and slowly.
He drank her sweet blood enjoying the taste of her while enjoying the feel of her. He felt sweet release upon him and moved more quickly within her. She moaned his name over and over again and her moans made him move harder and faster.
“Sebastian, oh my sweet, Sebastian”
His climax took him over and he was filled with such an inner sense of peace that he knew he would do anything to keep this angel by his side for has long has she lived. He moved to lay down beside her and held her gently in his arms. Her warm breath brushed softly against his skin and he lowered his head and took in the sweet scent of her hair.
“Sebastian, can I ask you a question?”
He moved away from her slowly so he could look into her eyes.
“Anything my angel.”
Her teeth worried her lower lip and her eyes moved away from his. He placed his hand underneath her chin and raised her eyes to his once again.
“What’s wrong, my angel?”
Her eyes looked back to his and then she reached up and placed both of her hands on both his cheeks.
“Sebastian, I want something of you but you have to promise that when I tell you, you will not argue, okay?”
“But angel-”
“Please Sebastian.”
Her eyes pleaded with him and he could not say no.
“Okay I agree.”
She smiled and then moved her hands away from his face. She propped her elbow up on the pillow and looked deep into his eyes.
“Sebastian my love, I want you to make me what you are.”
He sat there in shock of her words and the silence was defining to his ears. He took her hand in his and then looked down to their intertwined hands.
“Are you sure, Miranda?”
He looked back up and he was taken aback by the smile on her face. She moved forward and wrapped her arms around his neck brushing her lips with his.
“Oh Sebastian my love, I haven’t been so sure about anything in my life than I am about this. Oh please, say yes and make me yours forever. I love you Sebastian and I never want to leave you alone.”
Tears ran down his face while he took her into his arms holding her close.
“Oh my angel, yes I will. Oh I love you Miranda?”
He rained her face with kisses and when he pulled away to admire her beautiful face he realized then that she is his life, his love, his light
His eternal bliss.