
My eyes look Towards you, Empty and hatefull. You look at me with Questions In your eyes. Eyes Are a window tot he soul. my eyes are hatefull, full of questions, and mystery. Your are so Predictable. I know your moods, And What You’ll Do in your moods. Stuck with you so long. My hate towards you is growing.

you ask me why I hate you, Because of all the pain you made me go through, Putting me in chains in cages, SAying I’m a weapon, SAynig i’m a mistake, Mistreating me, Abuseing me, And never being there when I was young. When I needed you. I look At you With Blood on my mind, I would be happy with you gone, I Tell you that Everyday. I hate you, I Have to DEfend my self Every day, I’m a lonely Girl, Mad and lost, Like a lone wolf, A Forgotten soul, an Abbandoned Child, A fallen angel, Your worst night mare, If I get locked up tonight, you’ll Survive the Night, If i don;t 6 Feet Under is where You’ll be heading. I;m sick of Being judged. just get ne a god damn Judge And I’ll tell him all the people I’ve kiled and All the homes I destroyed. I’ll telling him I’m a walking weapon. Life ain’t Fun when Your on the Run, so i’ll Stop Running, And Start Killing, My life as an Outlaw Had begaun so long ago,. my life as A criminal had began when I was a child, Life is hard, It’ gets harder when THere no one on your side. my life is hell, Because of you, You,, you are the people, only a Few of yew don;t bother me, But they die because THey Are like you. in the end It;s a man for him self rAce, and you won;t See it until they back stab you.