
Can you dream this fantasy?
This fantasy of you and me
As if it could never be
Gosh why can’t you just see
How much i want you with me
My love for you is so unreal
You just cant see this ordeal
Belive me no hurt will become
Unlike those others I am not scum
I will love you forever
And will i ever leave, No Never
You are my fairy tell story
I hope i recive this glory
I love you and thats all i can say
Will we be okay?
Can you dream this fantasy?

I hope you like it…Please comment I dont think its thats good but i hope some1 enjoys it

By Dark and Scared

Hey im 14/f and i just want people to leave me alone!! i never do ne thing to people and they just wont stop and leave me alone. no wonder y people kill other people!! just leave people alone its that easy!