Fear not, for confusion is here…

What lies deep in my skin, in my body is far more then anyone could ever imagine. Alone in a consequential world, alone in a universe that bears no barriers. On a levelled matter I must confess I couldn’t relate to the light you held up with pride. Though it was a mark of love I never understood that grin of yours when you saw me fall deep in the darkness itself.

How could a smile be so harsh when light itself will ravage you from all emotions. Let the flowers rot as my emotions have for all of you… Are my dreams not loud enough to break your filthy windows? As a widow holds her sorrow, I hold my pride in darkness as I go deeper into the great beyond, where my eternal love lies. Shattered are the minds of those who dared to block my path, scattered are the thoughts of those you tried to understand my mind. Bliss could never be enough to contain the anger that ages had propelled me into. A deep fantasy which I go through alone, as any solitaire Witch would. A deep stab in my soul as I see the norms follow through their course. Awake every night as the pounding pain pulsates through my veins. I had to grind the last of my hopes together all for no purpose but to be freed of these chains. As the days go by, I only see, only feel night time. And the sweet soothing comfort of a pitch black room would always take me in as if I was its child. Crying no more for tears never done anything to destroy the unearthly savages I live with. No more walls to run into, no more blades to look up to. Uneasy is it to live with I yet then again some have managed, there lies new territory I must conquer. Deep into the flesh lies my creative creature bearing its scars from the attempted murders I have suffered. The Crow always could fly above them all, shall it be written down that I can fly within it all…When everything is neatly laid down for taking I’d much rather turn around, and go back to this dark world I was from…

By die Krähe

I am darkness incarnated.I am but a Crow, flying above desolated lands, in search of what only exists in the realm of the forsaken...Ich bin Aine die Hexe, A solitaire Witch...