Have you ever looked at a flame from a lighter? ever wonder whats going on behind it? Whats going on behind that light? Why does fire burn and cause pain distruction and fear? is it out of hatred. hatred for humanity?Have you ever wondered why fire gives off light that guides your way through the darkness? Fire is a very mysterious thing, and we all think we understand it, but do you really? I dont think fire wants to be understood. Fire is just something to be left alone. We do the same thing that fire does to us, and we dont think of it as our equal. Fire kills, and we kill fire…its a mad cycle that will go on forever, and maybe even one day, fire will lose to humanity. or maybe humanity will lose to fire..its a war between nature and human, nature is a whore that is always spreading around..we kill it…..and it comes right back without warning. If you look deeply inside a flame, theres a soul.