Oh shit, help me. I’m so thankful for all of your replies to my article about a PART of my fucked up life, but in answer to your suggestions, i can’t do home schooling cuz my mom doesn’t know about all this and she’d be heartbroken as i’ve only been at my new school since january. I can’t take the school to court cuz they are a private school. Oh shit, i’m crying now. I cut myself, which helps, and i do hold my head up high when people say stuff to me, but inside i’m just crumbling despite the fact i know they’re all pricks, and when i get home i just get out the knife and…well, i have to cut myself. I’m gonna end up at a psychiatrist before i’m 15, and frankly, i should be at one now. You know what i think my problem is? i’m growing up too quickly. By the age of five i knew where i wanted my life to go, and i’m still working towards the same direction, but i wake up every morning and my first thought is ‘damn, i’m still alive’. I hate my fucking life I HATE THE FUCKING WORLD. see what you’ve done to me, all you people who tease me for being different. i’m living the life of a FUCKING OUTCAST OVER HERE. And do i get any sympathy or understanding? Fuck no. Nooo, of course not. That would be too much to expect. I have to come onto the internet to meet decent human beings (and other lifeforms), and even most of you fine people live in america. Gods, i’m so pathetic. If anybody really cared they’d mail me a gun. Yes, i’d quite fancy going with a bang.
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hold on…your mother would be even more heart broken if you did go out with a bang. I’f you can make it through just a little longer you’ll be fine.
The revenge comes when your tormentors are killed in a wreck by a drunk driver, (themselves or the person they are dateing.) They get pregnant and drop out. They get stuck in the most boring, hardest grinding job you can think of. And through it all they have to watch you. Your sucsess, your fortune, your life. Sure, that won’t happen to all of them, but just enough of them to enjoy it. So do so.
Besides, if you kill yourself, they win. And we can’t have that, now can we?
Your sister in persuction,