For You

Baby, I miss you
I’m sorry
I don’t know, wish I knew what to say
what to do

to make it up to you It’s too late now, too late
your’re so cold
hope you won’t hate me, for what I did
surely, surely now you understand
Right, baby?
I know you love me
No matter what I do
That’s what you told me
I love you too
I was just protecting you
It wasn’t your fault, you’re just a man
You couldn’t help it
I know you didn’t love her, love her like you loved me
It’s her fault
It was her fault for being the slut that she is
She seduced you; possessed you
But, I put an end to her and her witchcraft
it was too late fo you
I couldn’t save you.
The image of her death and her suffering,
The taste of her blood as I drained her of life
And fed it to you
Nothing, nothing would make you see
Make you understand
In your delusionm you proclaimed her innnocence
That she didn’t deserve the punishment
I tried explaining
I did it for you
I had to do it for you
I had to end her life for you
But, you told me i was sick
Sick, but you were deluded
I’m sorry, but it was just too late
You were too far gone
I couldn’t break her spell on you
Couldn’t make you realize
You paniced
Tried to leave me
Tried to hurt me
What could i do?
I tried to cleanse your soul
Purification by pain
I spilled your blood slowly
But I did it because I love you
I love you
Why can’t you see?!
Speak to me!
Tell me!
Don’t you love me?!
I wish you were still alive
Still aware that i’m cutting you
Wish you could feel the pain that I’m inflicting
Feel the trenches that I’m carving into your skin
But, you’re lifeless
You’re blue
Your blaoted stomach, and discoloration
Not repulsive
I like you like this
No more protesting
No more refusing me
Now, I’ll do with you what I please
But, I miss your screams
Your whimpering
Your tears
I can still taste your tears
I can taste them on your face
Your perfect angelic face
Frozen now, with a look of horror
Pure fear…

By twisti

I have problems, but every once in a while something happens that makes me want to get down on my knees and thank God that I'm alive. Those few moments when I'm truly happy, makes putting up with all this shit worth it.