Forbidden minds.

Trapped in the chains

and mentally deprived,

stupid life didnt matter,

and it was left behind.

Now it needs to change,

it had become too much to endure,

Even though It seems to be ,

so much better than before.

The truth is well hidden,

in a pool of lust and gore.

It has always been inside,

and we have never crossed the door

to where there is no truth,

and questions are forbidden,

and where all of us…

… are abused little .. children.

-Is it just me or does this poem sound totally different when read in different ways?-

Categorized as poetic

By God_meat

I stand inside myself. Trying to break through. Cutting myself for freedom, i rip and bleed. Life flowing out of me, but I never scream, As no one wants to hear, Useless waste , my ugly life.