Walking through the streets of the bustling city, the vampire looked around, amazed at what his eyes beheld. Hundreds of people clustered the streets like insects, buzzing with frenetic energy.
All seemed to be headed their own directions, in their own little worlds. A middle aged man busily talked on his cell phone, looking at his Rolex and talking in an exasperated voice as he hustled down the illuminated streets. Not far from him a young man with shades leaned against a lamppost, chewing indifferently on a toothpick and handed fliers to passing people. A young woman passing by him pulled her thin coat further around herself to ward off the chill.
Oblivious were these people to the danger that lurked in their midst. The young vampire walked around freely, breathing in the wonderful mortal scents and listening to their insistent chatter. So much had changed since he had last seen this great city.
Before it had been little, but a small port town where nothing exciting ever happened. In those days the majority of the town was pedestrians or rode occasionally on small carts. These were now replaced with fast moving metal objects that congested the streets and polluted the air, all the while displaying their bright paints and shiny metal. Lights lit up the night sky, light much different from that of either the sun or a candle. These lights were in never end supply and never went out. And O, the colors. All types of colors flashed atop the countless stores and restaurants. He almost felt as if he were in a dream.
The one thing that hadn’t changed was the spectacular ocean before him. He stopped as he glimpsed the dark glistening water. Forever it seemed to stretch, wave upon wave of frothing black liquid. He sighed and breathed in the strongly salted air, blocking out the human noises from the background. Silent was it, save for the calm lapping of the water against the darkened rocks along the beach. Even from as far off as he was, he could hear it all; hear the seagull’s squalling, the strong stench of kelp and salt.
He had grown up on these smells, and still after so many years, loved it all. Throughout his century’s old life, he had always managed to return to his roots, where he was first born and made a vampire. This to him was home.