I live on campus in family housing at a large state university in the buckle of the Bible Belt (Tennessee), with my two kids. On May 1, Beltane, I was busted for having pot in my apartment. The campus police came to my door after being called because my older son got into a fight with another little boy. The cop told me that he smelled marijuana smoke and that gave them probable cause to search my apartment without a warrant, and that if I didn’t cooperate with them I would lose my kids.
They searched my apartment without my consent, and found approximately 20 grams of pot (half was mine and half was my friend’s), some assorted paraphernalia and seeds, confiscated my athame as a weapon, and gave me two citations to appear in court. They told me that the Department of Human Services would be coming to my place to do an “assessment” to decide whether or not I should be allowed to keep my kids.DHS never showed up. Instead, the county police showed up two days later and arrested me for felony child neglect for allegedly smoking pot in front of my kids. After a horrible ordeal in the county jail, I finally convinced my father to bail me out so I could take my final exams. I am an honor student making mostly A’s, planning to graduate with my B.A. in English literature in another year or so and go on to grad school and eventually get a Ph.D. and be a college professor.Because my university has a “zero tolerance” policy, I am being evicted from my apartment and will have to try to find a place off-campus. My father has taken custody of my older son, because he is not at all tolerant of the pot issue, but I still have custody of the younger one. I have since spoken with a lawyer, who said that the felony charge was absolutely trumped-up and ridiculous and that he had never heard of anybody being charged with felony child neglect for what they say I did. Even my father had to agree with that. The lawyer also said that as long as I can pass a drug test by the time I have to go to court, I should be able to get out of the drug charges as well. This whole thing is going to cost me a LOT of money that I don’t have. If I get a drug conviction I will lose my financial aid, which is my only source of income at this time since I am not receiving child support for either of my kids. The drug laws and the “zero tolerance” policies in this country are complete and total bullshit. I was not harming anyone, and I certainly was not neglecting my kids. Cops are lying, bullying, manipulative assholes who will do anything, illegal or not, to get what they want. People, be careful and don’t let this happen to you! Join or start a local chapter of NORML (National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws). They have a website at www.norml.org. We must act to make a change in this fucked-up society of ours. Thanks for your emotional and moral support as well.Peace in chaos,Annachie Random Chaospawn
hope everything turns out ok for you and good luck!
To make matters worse, the cop(s) who busted you probably went home, drank a half bottle of Jack, went out to the bar to meet his buddies, had about 10 rum and cokes, went back home, beat his wife, and passed out on the couch, the whole time feeling pretty fucking good about busting a “bad guy” like you.As long as we keep electing jackasses like J.W., we are going to have this kind of rediculous double standard.
You forgot to add the part where the marijuana “disappears” out of evidence and the cops go off and either sell it or smoke it themselves.
That’s really fucked up. I hope everything works out for you and your kids.
Straight A student.. yeah, you’re a real drug head. ::rolls her eyes:: Some people are just stupid.
Let me breathe a minute.
You are ALMOST ALL going to DESPISE ME (if you don’t already) if you don’t READ THIS ALL THE WAY THROUGH with your OWN (not MTV’S!) Mind!
I don’t want to have to take this ONE LINE at a time, but as a (retired) police officer, AND Goth-As-Fuck, I must say I CAN NOT stand the unabrogated bashing of police officers and our judicial system as “Police State” or “Facist” or “Nazi” or ANY OF THE ABOVE.
THE THOUSANDS of police officers are out there being the one who runs TOWARD the explosion, gunfire, or alarm siren that you are running FROM!
He’s the one you LOOK FOR when you have been victimized!
“He prob’ly went home and downed half a bottle of Jack….”
You’re RIGHT. The stats on alcoholism are STAGGERING. As are those of DIVORCE, and SUICIDE, from cleaning up the MESS society has made, and having the “priveledge” of being called a facist nazi pig wife beater in the process!
WHY? BECAUSE of these attitudes!
When a rookie comes out of the academy, he/she TRULY DESIRES to “Protect and Serve”. He’s/She’s BOUND by his/her oath, his WORD BOND, to enforce laws he/she MAY NOT agree with, believe in, or even CARE ABOUT.
Like it or not, somewhere in the fine print of the contracts you signed, (WHICH THE COP DID NOT AUTHOR….) YOU agreed to certain RIGHTS and RESPONSIBILITIES as a student and tennant. YOU BROKE THE CONTRACT! It was NOT the COP who BROKE THE RULES! If the rules are wrong, either work for change, or go to a DIFFERENT school, or make ANOTHER DECISION! NEITHER THE POLICE, nor the SCHOOL, broke the deal. WHY are you blaming the POLICE for YOUR personal error?
Whether you agree wit the law or not is NOT the issue! You BROKE it! It’s not THEIR FAULT! Blame the other kids who caused the U. to PASS the “Zero-Tolerance” policy!
Is Pot use wrong? Fuck if I know! But it IS, at the moment in your school, ILLEGAL! Is it fair? Again, FUCK if I know, btu YOU got busted. NOT THE OTHER 1000 people, you.
STOP, STOP, STOP blaming the “Neo-Nazi Fascist pig wife-beating asshole totalitarian regime swine” COPS for this.
Note: For EVERY REPORTED (not commited, reported…LOTS of leeway here…) occurence of “Police Brutality” in the U.S. in the ENTIRE 1990’s, there were 17 PER MONTH (that’s 1X17X12X10) by the police in the former Soviet Union. (That’s right…PARADISE…) and 11 (1X11X12X10) In the People’s Republic of China. That’s THOUSANDS of people, HUNDREDS per week. United Nations.. (YEAH! The UN!!!! Unbelievable they would print this, but they DID!)..report on police activities in member nations.
I do not envy you for a second. But spewing like that about people who just want to get home alive bugs me. You held out an olive branch recently, my dear, in hopes of some more opinion and debate, I hope you still hold the branch at your end, as I’m holding on to my end…
In all my years and various interactions with the police I have only on three occassions come upon helpful, compassionate and fair cops. Three!
Oddly enough, one of those was in New York City in the middle of Harlem (no, I’m not black.. but I did live in Harlem).. go figure.
Ok, I have listened carefully to what you had to say (actually I read it several times), and taken several deep breaths before hitting reply.
It sounds to me like you are taking this a little too personally because you are an ex-cop. I never said anything about Nazis or fascists or a police state, and neither did “quietdominator.” I did say fuck the police. This is because I have always naively thought that police existed “to protect and serve,” and instead was lied to, bullied and otherwise manipulated and unfairly charged with felony child neglect by these inept, power-mad campus police. I would like to think that somewhere there really are police that are fair and worthy of their authority, but the ones I have encountered have definitely not been anything of the sort.
I stated that I am a straight-A student and in the honors program at my university. Surely this is some indication that I am capable of thinking for myself. I certainly don’t let MTV think for me. I don’t even watch that crap, or much TV at all except Sesame Street and Blue’s Clues with my toddler.
You are correct in stating that I broke the law and the contract I signed with the university to live in family housing on campus. I NEVER neglected my kids, and the cops had NO right to threaten me with taking them away just to get me to cooperate with them. They had no right to walk in my apartment uninvited in the first place. They should at least have gone and gotten permission from housing first if they didn’t have a warrant. Yes, I was in possession of an illegal substance, marijuana. I still have my Fourth Amendment rights protecting against unlawful search and seizure of my property. The point is that too many cops abuse their authority and ignore people’s Constitutional rights. I am not blaming the police for everything that has happened to me. I AM blaming them for bullying me and for slapping this bullshit felony charge on me.
I never referred to the cops as “Neo-Nazi Fascist pig wife-beating asshole totalitarian regime swine.” You did. I did call them assholes, but I was speaking in particular of the ones I dealt with (not even to mention the ones at the jail). However, I also meant cops in general because I wanted to warn people who might read this so that they won’t be quite so naive as I was.
Yes, it was naive of me to think I could smoke a little pot in family housing and get away with it. That doesn’t make me a bad mother, and I don’t believe it makes me deserving of all the bullshit I have had to put up with.
I still think the “zero tolerance” policy is complete and total bullshit, and I hoped to make people aware of what this shit does to good people who make occasional mistakes, so that we can all work to get rid of such policies.
And the marijuana laws in this country are bullshit. If I were drunk all the time, that probably would mean neglecting my kids. But that’s legal. Marijuana is much less damaging to your body and your life than alcohol, and even has some beneficial effects such as stress relief and mental expansion. Recent studies have even found that THC helps the body’s immune system. I’ve done some research on the subject, and discovered that the main factor behind the initial criminalization of pot was racism. The use of the plant for intoxicating purposes was introduced in this country in the 1920’s by Mexican and West Indian immigrants, who were considered undesirable. A doctor told Congress that “these people are all crazy, and this is what makes them crazy.” More and more research is showing that the propaganda put out by the government, that marijuana causes everything from violent behavior to amotivational syndrome, is completely false. Check out the facts for yourself. There’s a lot of false information out there, but the truth is finally starting to emerge.
I am aware that other countries have much worse problems with police brutality than we do. That does NOT mean our system is perfect and doesn’t need some changing!
Please, try to see this from my point of view and don’t put words in my mouth. I do see your side of things, although I don’t totally agree.
Annachie Random
Very well stated. I have to agree with you 100%. I’ll keep you and your kids in my thoughts.
In this society in which we live it is impossible to pass blame unto someone without thereby damaging the creditability or face of someone who has done nothing wrong. Though it is common practice…
The problem is that the police out there to “protect and to serve” are also out there to “stop people from doing what is wrong” (so they think) The problem comes in, in that who is to decide who is right and who is wrong, why .. the government, because … (insert your answer here), it boils down to Ethics, to which is to far deep a subject to discuss .. So I will simply say this .. Marijuana is illegal because someone said it was bad. It isn’t anymore complicated than that. In all truth that same person probably said Alcohol, Tobacco, Chocolate, Sugar, Caramel, Incense, Spandex, and caffeine was bad. It doesn’t really matter, they chose to listen to what they wanted to hear. Someone listened and it was made illegal .. I’d love to see alcohol and tobacco illegal (bash on me for it? i drink and i smoke, and i happen to recreationally smoke marijuana) simply because they are far worse than marijuana in my eyes
I agree that it sux, but its situations like this that can go to prove marijuana stereotypes wrong. No one in my family would ever expect me of smoking pot, and I doubt anyone that respected you thought so either. But because one person out of 2million marijuana smokers does something stupid, it labels the whole group. Which also ties in with the cops, one cop does something bad it labels the whole group.
So before you bash on people for bashing on cops, look at yourself and see if you’ve bashed on any stereotypes lately.(*cough* MTV *cough*)
my rant is now complete, you can go back to your distorted world …
–jINx out
“It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling into error.” — U.S. Supreme Court, in American Communications Association v. Douds, 339 U.S. 382,442
“The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them. That is the essence of inhumanity.” — George Bernard Shaw
I watched MTV start up. I liked it. I STILL carry a torch for Martha Quinn. It USED to be about music and video. Now, it is a full fledged propaganda machine.
Whether MJ use is right, wrong, or indifferent is notup to the cop on the beat. He may even like the stuff. But it IS illegal. Blaming JW for this is silly. Where were the 20 million votes for reform of the laws for the 8 years of president Clinton?
Prior to the majority change in 1995, there was a democratic congress, with a democratic president. THE perfect time for a change, and yet…..MANY of the issues near and dear to the “MTVPolitik” folks remain (legislatively…) unchanged.
I do NOT believe for one second that marijuana will gtow hair on your hands, curve your spine, rebuild the Iron Curtain, or make you a bad parent. But the de-criminalization efforts have been around a LONG time, as well as legalization attempts.
We can quote and cross quote Shaw, Payne, Disraeli, and Ghandi ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT, it does not change the violation. Are there assholes wearing badges? YES! Are there reasonable, caring, compassionate, “Protect and serve” officers out there? YES! Have I witnessed bashing here? YES! And NOT just in this thread. I can read what was said, I know I said “neo-nai fascist…etc”, and many of you did not, but I HAVE “Been there/Done that”.
Remember. YOU (collectively…) deal with a Police Officer in ONE issue of “right and wrong” on ocassion. The Police officer deals with YOUR issue, AFTER one and BEFORE another. It is a UBER-human who can do this for long without at LEAST getting jaded.
They teach THAT the FIRST WEEK of the academy!
For what it’s worth coming from me, I hope so too. Really I do.
As I mentioned above, I hope it all works out.
And some people have a job to do. It’s like the voting issue. “If you don’t vote, don’t complain”
Don’t have time?
Can’t be bothered?
Don’t care enough?
Think you’re too:
Small/big/good/bad/busy/important/insignificant/just one person/male/female/old/young/etc/etc/etc/?
Then take your chances. The people who make the laws are SUPPOSED to be acting on OUR behalf. They’re NOT? Well, get out your (Mightier than the SWORD) PEN! We just went through the last eight years with ANY liberal’s “dream president” and the laws remain unchanged.
Women’s suffrage did not happen by itself. Should it have? Of course. DID IT? No! SOMEONE had to WORK for it. A LOT of people had to work for it. DEMANDING it from the people who represnt us! HARD! Did it work? You tell me….I see women voting when I do, so I know the LAWS were changed….
Prohibition was NOT a good idea. The government “Of, by, and for” the people thought it was. PEOPLE WORKED to put that law in place. They worked HARD in a time before tv, (much less MTV!), to push THEIR version of right and wrong, moral and craven, LEGAL AND ILLEGAL, onto the rest of us. And they didn’t stop with a simple law….the AMENDED THE CONSTITUTION! It doesn’t get any higher than that. Did people work to change it? Nah. They just bootlegged and broke the law and had Capone and Elliot Ness and all those guys and blew up bars and stuff and…
I guess so! The big issue here seems to be Jack Daniel’s and Rum and Coke!
I guess I am what could be defined as a “regular” here on Darksites. I am ALSO a regular at this keyboard for MANY things that are important to me. It’s why I harp as much as I do on the issues of grammar and punctuation. Am I an English professor? Hardly. But when I go to another issue, and I want to make myself heard, I don’t get DISMISSED and UNREAD in one line, either. WORK FOR CHANGE!
Take a look at “vote dot com”. It’s run by a bunch of conservative types. But it IS a way to START to effect change. Go by there once a week. Bookmark it. Logon. Will YOU ALONE change the course of a vote? I doubt it. Will YOU ALONE change the percentages? You could.
Will ALL OF YOU combined change anything? Damn right. It’s how the battle is fought. By NUMBERS. Go add your number. OR, sit back, spark one, pour one, pop one, and wait for it to change by itself. In the meantime, if there’s a knock on the door, don’t answer it.
This is not for the writer of the article but for the retired cop who replied. Yes, there are stereotypes for cops AKA “Pigs.” You can stop complaining now because there are stereotypes for every type of person, individual or not. MTV does not dictate the thoughts of the youthful, it only influences those that watch its horrid programs. Everyone has influences, like it or not. As for the reputation of our would-be “protectors,” they are not protectors at all. They react to crimes, they do not prevent them. As for civilians attacking police, did you ever analyze each and every situation in which the brutality occured. No, I think not.
Dot not judge the statistics. Judge the individual.
Peace be with you Pig.
Whoa whoa DUDE! they got u 4 child neglect? fucked up fukkers. Quoting Slipknot now, they’re not even shit, jst a puddle on the bedspread. my advice? SUE THOSE MUTHAFUKKIN PIECES o’ SHIT!
>>Yes, there are stereotypes for cops AKA “Pigs.” You can stop complaining now because there are stereotypes for every type of person, individual or not>MTV does not dictate the thoughts of the youthful, it only influences those that watch its horrid programs>As for the reputation of our would-be “protectors,” they are not protectors at all. They react to crimes, they do not prevent them. >As for civilians attacking police, >did you ever analyze each and every situation in which the brutality occured. No, I think not.<--Of COURSE not. But I do have a little better understanding of the statistics and a MUCH better understanding of the day-to-day of life on the street, while we're at it, have YOU? Ask ANYONE who just got busted, NO MATTER HOW guilty they turn out to be…and they’ll ALL go on about the injustice of the search, the treatment by the police, and the “system” in general, society’s fault in this, and on, and on…
Cops are just fucking people, as you so deftly illustrated with your nonsensicle rant. Some are good, everyone agrees with that. But some are assholes. I could never be a cop, simply because of attitudes like yours. I am not of the “MTV generation”. I think long and slow over every opinion. Pot laws are wrong as long as alcohol and tobacco are legal. Anyway, I’m glad I got you fired up.
Well, lets see. Where do I begin? Life on the streets, thats sounds right. Although any point I attempt to make will not be valid in your eyes I will continue to try. [This is my assumption] You have experienced the streets. You the copper, they are the bad guys. You bring them into custody to be punished for their crimes. You are the tool. [The facts] Through this interaction you are not experiencing the street. you are not the one being hunted, not the one being punished, or the one being accused. Situations, no matter how closely related or linked, are different for the two roles that are taken on in “cops and robbers.” You are do not play the protagonist, you are not the tragic hero. Cops, in the situation depicted in this article, are the villains. They chose to act in a manner, (tool or not), which was deemed offensive and exceeding of their boundries by the individual. They may be playing the role of protector in this world but they are no a single minded mass. “They” are I’s, many of which are corrupted by their envirnment and the stress of their jobs jading them to the point of their work.
The End
Yes and yet a straight A honors student is such a horrible criminal for having some pot in her home… and you are crucifying her yourself.
You are bemoaning that everyone is being unfair to you here… where were you fair to her? No, you instantly judged her ::shrugs::
Turn about is fair play, don’t you think?
Well, you can’t deny it happens at least. 🙂 It does.
Besides, I was being sarcastic. I’m glad we have police. I just wish when I’ve *needed* them, I’d have been treated with more compassion or respect. Only once, when I’ve called the police for something, did I not get treated like either an idiot or like *I* had done something wrong.
Interesting one time I do get in trouble is when the cop was nice to me ::chuckles:: Of course it was for something stupid and relatively harmless…
::just kinds of rolls her eyes:: You can stop preaching to ME now. I don’t drink or do drugs 🙂
i agree with you that the drug laws and zero tolerance policies in our country are totally fucked.however joining a norml chapter can also put you in more direct fire from these hippocritical biggots in thier “war on drugs”as the police hate people who are political even more than the recreational marijuanna smoker.ive been busted myself and it sucks,but if they know you’re political they try that much harder to bust you and they can always say thety found other more illegal substances if they think you are a troublemaker.we really dont have any rights besides the one to remain silent when being arrested,and ive arrived that the only way to protect yourself is to never have more on you than you can swallow if nessesary and be ready to flush whats in your house at a moments notice.they got me with parafernalia too so i guees we should all only use rolling papers.
however i had my athame in my car and it has a 9 inch blde(3″past the legal limit”but because of the way i made the handle the cop thought it was the top to a cross,and he let me keep it and didnt give me a weapons ticket(and this was in my car!!!!) so it just goes to show you how they will discriminate more on relegious issues.and the same goes for politics.watch yourselves all of you.
care take
hold on a sec, did u actually digest the WHOLE article, or just the bits slaggin off the cops? Cuz from ur comment i’m sure as fuck worried about what you were like when YOU were a policeman!!
Now, read the article again, forgetting you’re an ex-cop, digest, understand, and then i hope you get it.
A few years ago, the association of police captain came to the conclusion that the war on marijuana was completely pointless and was responsible for way too many useless arrests and punishment of regular citizens over criminals.
Also, as an interesting side note, the US has been evicted fromt he UN drug board. I wonder why…
Now everyone knows that the whole thing is just inhumanly stupid, as more and more people everyday support the legalisation of marijuana. And so you know, its the majority. But when has the american politics ever listened to the majority anyways…
I feel bad that they are trying to take your kids away from you, but pot is illegal, it may not be a great law, but it is a law. People cannot just decide which laws they want to follow and which ones they cannot. Although pot is not as harmful an illegal drug as many others, it is still an illegal drug. I think that the cops should deal with bigger matters such as rapists and murderers, they still have to do their job. If you are such a smart person, you should have known better than to keep that much pot around your children. Children do not ask to be born at all, so you should treat children with extra special care. You shouldn’t do things around them that could potentially hurt them. If your kids know you smoke pot they are going to think it’s okay and would you really want your kids to grow up smoking pot so the same thing that happened to you can happen to them? Think about it. Let this little episode be a lesson to you. Is all the money you’re going to have to spend worth smoking a little pot?
Thank you. I need all the support I can get right now. It’s going to take some divine intervention along with good legal counsel to get me out of this. I would appreciate, however, your not judging me based on your own prejudices.
Well, I wanted to get some substantive debate going on this site. Guess I got that all right. Part of the reason I posted this stuff was to make people aware of the kinds of injustices that happen every day in this “best there is” country of ours, in order to get people to act or at least to think about political issues.
Everything we do is a political choice. We need to be aware of this. Even claiming not to be interested in politics at all is in itself a political choice.
I don’t think I did anything wrong except for being too naive and not careful enough. Yes, I want to teach my children that smoking pot is okay. You don’t have to agree with me. I don’t think getting drunk is okay, and I would not do that in front of my kids. Because I choose to raise my children according to values that don’t always fit into the mainstream does NOT mean I am a bad or neglectful mother. Yes, I have learned a valuable lesson from this: that I should have been more careful, and that most cops are lying, bullying, manipulative assholes. Spare me the lecture. I already got that from the cops and from my parents.
Yes, I too remember when MTV first started and how cool it used to be. Now it is nothing but crap. They even have some kind of fucking wrestling shit on there. It just goes to show you how everybody sells out eventually.
thank you! whew
numerous times in several different states the voters vote for the use of medical marijuana, only to have it struck down by some judge in someones back pocket. Unfortunately, it is going to take years, and many votes to correct the unevenness of the law. With the mindset that the police are always right, it will be a long road indeed. I dont get high, by the way. But I think its a personal choice.
After reading the various replies to your story and the replies to the replies, I’ve decided to say a few things here.
First off, I wish you the best and hope that you are able to get this situation under control and worked out in your favor. It sounds like you’ve been severely strong-armed and they’ve gone way over the call of duty on this one.
I notice that you’ve been very anti-alcohol and pro-marijuana. Its a sentiment I’ve seen before but one I’m still not comfortable with. My opinion on both drugs is that when taken in moderation they are fine. However, I’ve known very few people who have taken pot in moderation. I’m not judging you, I’m simply saying that in my personal experience the people I’ve known that smoke pot go way overboard, and either don’t know or don’t want to admit that they smoke too much. Its a drug like any other, despite whatever positive effects it has. In saying that, I mean it has the very real possibility of being abused, just like alcohol. What makes it easier to abuse is that both alcohol and pot, unlike many other drugs, are considered “safe”. Please don’t feel like I’m preaching a sermon directly to you, I just felt that since you brought this particular vein of conversation to the forefront I’d follow it with my own opinions.
Once again, I wish you the best of luck in turning this situation around. I do not think you deserved a felony child neglect charge simply for smoking pot.
That is why USA sucks (it is more protestant and rule-abiding than it fuckin’ looks) so I hope you’ll decide to move to the British isles after your Ph. D. 😀 It all is sad after all and I hope they don’t touch your “honors degree” And for the kids…I hope everything’s gonna be alright. And did I miss a “husband” issue or something?
That is the point I am trying to make. It is not my PLACE to judge, and although I do, We ALL do, I also feel you were treated badly by a system run amok. (Partly due to your neighborhood…)
I DO understand, and I DO hold some support out for you, but MY POINT is the presumed absence of judgement…..well, we’ll talk. You have many issues before you, eat slowly, digest well!
I wish you the best possible outcome.
(I caught the wit, J!)
My problem, if you want to call it that, is trying to stand for the things I hold near and dear, the things I believe in, in the face of the same issues that bring me MOST of the heat here….You’ve seen it, I know….Call me. We’ll chat…
Did I mention you’re wonderful?
Thank you. It is my dream to go to Europe some day, especially Wales (where my ancestors are from) and France (for the art, culture & history). I would very much like to settle in one or both of those places someday. No, I do not have a husband, and have never been married. Just one more of the numerous ways in which I don’t fit into the norms of society and for which I have had to endure much bullshit. I do have a good friend (unfortunately for me, he is gay) who helps out with the kids a lot. He has been very supportive through all this.
Redemp…..go live there for a couple of hours.
There are a quarter million cops in this country. That makes them statistically less dangerous than PRIESTS.
I don’t know you, neither do you know me. I have been shot, stabbed, bludgeoned, punched, and kicked to the loss of several teeth by people who did quite a lot of time, considering they “didn’t do nothin’!” Yeah, you got it. OH GURU! I HUNTED people for the sole purpose of fucking with them, as did the 249,999 of my brothers and sisters. What the fuck….we got nothing BETTER to do, on the same pay as the guy who picks up the TRASH. Tool this. I had a job, a career, in “protect and serve” Even if the one I protected and served was YOU. (BTW….It was in a LARGE, URBAN, METRO area near NYC. Not “west-outhouse” somewhere.” You wanna RPG? Go lick your OWN BLOOD off your lips when they get split pulling a flailing Dust-head out of a burning tenement. Feel the burn of syringe after syringe of who-the-fuck-knows-what is stuck in a wound from a knife the was found to be covered with dogshit from the bottom of a perpetrator’s shoe, that SOMEHOW managed to find it’s way into your thigh, and see him in court three weeks later being arraigned for KILLING the woman whose restraining order I was enforcing when he stabbed me. LOOK DEEPLY into the eyes of the three kids, ONE of them his, as they’re hauled off to JUVIE for lack of anywhere else to keep them till morning, as he JUST KILLED their mama, and SHOULD NOT have even been on the street.
The pain from the needles QUICKLY faded from memory at that moment….
No, j…..
I was codiciling her OWN STATEMENTS. I feel VERY BADLY about the way she was treated. I do indeed believe that there are laws that carry a GOOD thing to a BAD end. BUT!!!!!!!!!!!
If you understand, as Annachie does, (by her own words…), then you have to MAKE CHOICES!
The fact that it SHOULDN’T PLAY this way is MOOT! It DOES play this way, and it can happen to you! Part of what you wager when you gamble!
You need to do what you can to DIMINISH the house’s favorable odds…
Fair? Not this time. Maybe next time.
I thank you for your good wishes, Shadowborn, and I appreciate your not judging me or preaching at me. I agree with you that anything taken to extremes is harmful. But this is true of everything from pot and alcohol to sex and food. It’s not as simple as saying “pot is good, alcohol is bad.” The point I was trying to make is that alcohol is much more harmful to both your body and your life when abused than marijuana is. Taken in moderation, alcohol can be beneficial. But nobody ever overdosed and put themselves in a coma or destroyed their liver or beat their kids/wife because they smoked too much pot. The worst that can happen to you from getting too stoned (provided you don’t have to deal with the fucking cops) is eating a whole pan of brownies by yourself. To be honest, I do have some personal prejudices when it comes to alcohol because I have a brother who is an alcoholic and I have had to watch what it’s done to his life and to my family. Yet they make all these excuses for him while treating me like a criminal. It’s just bloody ironic and stupid that alcohol is legal and marijuana is not.
Funny….Annachie seems to think I read it all…..
Whoa! That was a little over the top, don’t you think? What does a piece of shit who murdered his wife have to do with someone like me? Absolutely nothing! I’m sorry you had to go through shit like that, and I’m sure it goes way beyond the scope of my problems. Seriously, have you considered seeking therapy for these issues? I’m in therapy myself, so please don’t think I mean that in a derogatory way. But you really need to deal with this stuff, man! You can’t let it eat you up like that. I will you well.
i’m sorry to hear about that. it’s really fucked up. a few yrs back i had the cops come over because my RA called them on me. This undercover guy came to our door and i opened it an inch or two and immediately his foot was in the room. as i asked him to get the fuck out, he flashed me his badge and said ‘this is whats up’. after pushing his way in, he found no roaches, a cleaned out bong and a bag of TWO seeds.
got the letter for a hearing two weeks later (good thing it was just campus security) saying something about ‘dried leaves, bag of seeds, paraphernelia..’ So i went there and told the story and denied the bs allegations. the undercover was there, and he actually stood up and pointing at me, told me not to lie. guess who the deans believed.
so i got kicked off housing, the Cannabis Reform Coalition didn’t even get a right to say anything in this, and end of story. lovely isn’t it?
I feel your pain man, and even thought i can’t relate to having kids and going thru the shit you’ve been thru, i can understand your anger. Some shit doesn’t make sense, but then again, i say that every morning. I wish you the best of luck man, and i hope that others will also support NORML.
peace in black and white
Hey, you know I adore you. It’s also been my experience that most campus police *are* pricks… probably comes from dealing with drunken frat boys. Their strong arm tactics in this case were a bit much. They wrote her a freaking citation for Christ’s sake. Why didn’t they arrest her right then and there if they felt a need to? To suddenly come arrest her days after the fact was just way too much.
Well, I’ve read all of this and I have to add my personal take on the whole matter.
Yes, you were screwed. But not necessarily because of the cops. The reason you are getting cracked on so hard is the US’s little “War on Drugs”. Our politician’s know that the bulk of our population is against hard drugs. If they fund something to end that, it makes them look good and gets them re-elected.
The problem is that theoretically, we have the war on drugs to stop the drug lords that traffic in the hard core drugs that cause violence and chaos. However, the criminals involved in trafficing cocaine, or housing meth labs really are dangerous criminals.
The cops are breaking into places and confronting people that have absolutely no problem with shooting the cop. It is a life risking thing every time a cop goes after a drug lord. And personally, I don’t think they pay them enough to go in there.
But, the government and the media is constantly putting pressure on them to do something to make it look like they are winning the war on drugs. So who do the cops go for? The pot smokers.
Think about it. When was the last time you saw a stoned guy pull a gun? Or be able to fire it with any accuracy? When was the last time you saw a stoned person break out into a violent rage?
Your average pot smoker is your average person. They can be a normal teenager to that middle aged couple that lives across the street. My parents for crying out loud. Basically, people that are just sitting in their house, enjoying themselves and have no intention of hurting anyone ever.
So the cops go after these people. It makes them look good. In the media’s eyes, and in society’s eyes. They are able to stand proudly and tell the government that they won one more battle in the war on drugs.
Frankly, our country is fucked up. This is evident enough in many of the cases of who is in jail for drug use. Most of the people in jail for drugs are in there for carrying drugs for personal use. It is not unusual for you to recieve 20 years for possession of pot. (Especially if you have alot of it in your house. Most of the people I know like to buy it all at one time.) The average pot smoker simply cannot afford the high priced lawyer it takes to get out of those jail sentances. The courts will offer you a plea and a shorter sentance if you rat on someone else, but in many cases, it’s a choice between a shorter prison term, or being shot because you told on someone you shouldn’t have.
Many of the drug lords can afford those lawyers, and almost never do any time at all. So basically, we jail the people that aren’t causing any harm at all and let the real problems run rampant through the streets.
On the whole cop issue. It depends on which cops you get. My cops in FL WERE great people. The cops in the city that I live in are great people. They’re good ole boys, but they are still great guys.
The city where I spend most of my time is a different story. They are crooked as the day is long, and I fear for myself when I see one. Because we have had enough investigations for police brutality. It’s a well known fact that pot disappears from confiscations. Sometimes we have license checks where the cops will collect the pot and sometimes not say anything about it. Plenty of cops in the surrounding cities will comment on the corruptness of this city’s cops. Also, everything it covered up here. You will never hear about anything bad happaning here. There have been many murder’s, but you never see anything about it on the news. Frankly the whole thing is kind of eerie.
But, like I said, I like most of the cops in my town. (The other cops are in the town I just moved from that I still do all my shopping and such in.) They are friendly and personable, but are firm when they have to be. So it’s not all cops that are crooked.
But, ultimately, you were wronged. I believe the campus cops can come look in your place without a warrent though, because they are campus cops and not city police. They operate under different laws. (I’m not positive on this one though.) Frankly the part where they confiscated your athame is what got me the most. They took it as a weapon? Isn’t an athame a small black handled dagger? Many times only sharp enough to cut herbs and carve incisions into candles? What the hell were they doing taking that as a weapon?
What are they going to come in because you keep steak knives in your drawers? My husband likes to collect knives. He likes to get the ones you get from the smiths at the renfest’s and finish them himself. Most of them aren’t even sharp enough to cut paper. I still have my ritual dagger (I was pagan, not wiccan, that’s why I asked about the athame) which is also barely sharp enough to cut grass. It’s in my hope chest. Are they going to arrest me for having a “weapon”?
Sorry that whole thing just really made no sense. They’re really reaching with the dagger thing. Personally, I hope you can get something back for that. (Then again, we have that wonderful new law that says you can be arrested for anything the cop see’s fit.)
Kit, your two shiny pennies are gold.
Sad, truly sad. I would like to defend your, what was it, role-playing???? I’m not acting as if I’m not familiar with the term or haven’t played an RPG but I am stating, openly, that you cannot defend the entire police force. Yes, you and 249,999 other people may have been hired to do a job. Yes, YOU may have done it right. [That is an assumption.] Yet I find myself returning to the same argument we began with. It is obvious through the writer’s description that she was wronged by over zealous cops eager for something to do. “I smell marijuana,” what kind of crap is that?! All over this country marijuana is being grown, distributed, and smoked by willing, law-abiding [in exception of their active crime] citizens who need not be arrested for their victim-less crime. She might lose her kids because some cop wanted something to do!
Well, I don’t feel like writing anymore. It doesn’t seem like you can retain any semblance of calm long enough to think logically and without bias.
Believe me Europe is much more atheist than USA is (I am French and we always saw US as a “free place” because of Hollywood mostly) at least we don’t have a fuckin’ “bible belt” or Jehovah’s Witnesses who ring your door every freaking sunday. Go to Paris ma belle and live there and teach English, save us from French teachers 🙂
Actually, a good example of what can happen from smoking too much marijuana comes from my girlfriend. Her ex-husband smoked so much pot that eventually, thats all he cared about…not his wife, not his toddler daughter or his newborn baby boy, just the pot. He lost everything he loved and was too apathetic to really give a damn.
He was jobless, divorced and still in a happy little haze. These days, and we’re talking 13 years later, he’s working as part of a rehab program and getting in touch with his kids…one of whom doesn’t even remember him. He’s discovered God…so I guess that means he’s off the pot and now addicted to religion…
Thank you for your sympathy. I hope to go to Europe someday, especially Wales (where my ancestors are from) and France (for the art, culture & history) and eventually settle in one or both of those places (not simultaneously, as I will never become rich as a college professor!). No, I do not have a husband, and I have never been married. Just one more of the many ways I don’t fit into the norms of society and for which I have had to endure much bullshit. I do have a good friend (unfortunately for me, he is gay) who helps out with the kids and stuff. He has been very supportive through all this, in fact he was the one who managed to convince my father to bail me out of jail. No, they can’t touch my honors degree, and I did make it through my finals with all A’s. So take that, motherfuckers!
Did you mean G. W., our misbegotten president? Or did I miss something?
I talked to my former counselor about this and she said they’re supposed to have evidence of neglect before pressing charges, that Child Protective Services is supposed to come out and check out the situation before any action is taken. My lawyer said that he’s seen plenty of cases where children were removed from crack houses where the parents should have been charged with neglect and weren’t, and that he’s never seen anybody so charged just for smoking pot. The warrant I had to sign at the jail stated that I admitted to smoking in the presence of my kids. I don’t remember admitting anything to the cops. The whole thing is just bullshit. There are too many cops who are corrupted by the power they hold over people and who break the law all the time when they’re supposed to be enforcing it.
Thanks! I appreciate that. Blessings to you,
Yes. This can and does happen to people, but as you noted, if it’s not one addiction it’s another. This guy probably had problems with intimacy and being a father before he ever started smoking pot. The substance is not the problem, it’s only a symptom. There are lots of people who smoke marijuana responsibly, just like there are lots of people who have a glass of wine or a beer with dinner and never become alcoholics.
Oops, I accidentally posted this twice. I’m sorry.
Merci, j’en voudrais beaucoup. Mais je prefererais habiter en Normandie, ou le climat serait moins chaud et il y a beaucoup des arbres. Je voudrais visiter Paris, mais je ne veux pas habiter en grande ville. Je prefererais la campagne et les forets. Au revoir, cherie…
What I was using for my athame was actually rather large. It was a scuba diving knife, not very sharp except for a serrated part on one side a few inches long. But apparently the size or sharpness was not the issue. I told the cops it was part of my religion and definitely NOT ever used as a weapon. They said it didn’t matter, that even a pocketknife was considered an illegal weapon on campus, but that steak knives in the kitchen were not. That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I could have a huge ass butcher knife in my kitchen drawer and that would be ok but a religious article is not? Actually, a pagan friend of mine told me he had gotten in trouble for having a pocketknife (which he had been using as an athame) on campus.
Those cops continued searching my room long after they found what they were looking for (the marijuana). They found all kinds of stuff from my herbs and vitamins to my Tarot cards to my vibrators to some rabbit bones in a box in a junk drawer. (No, I don’t believe in animal sacrifice! The bones came from a rabbit killed by my cat years ago and I saved them for some odd reason, partly because I thought they were pretty and partly because I’m a pack rat. I’m sure they also found my goat skull, although they didn’t mention it specifically.)
They gave me some shit about “So, you dabble a bit, huh?” I told them my religion was none of their business. They left one of my vibrators on and I didn’t discover this fact until hours later. I think they just wanted to fuck with me for being “different.” I would like to find a way to get my athame back, since I am no longer living on campus. They told me they could have charged me with a felony for possession of a weapon on campus, but didn’t. That may have been part of the reason they slapped the other felony charge on me two days later because they knew I could have fought the weapon thing on religious grounds. At this point the issue of my athame is pretty much secondary, but I would like to get it back if I could.
Oh, and when I had to meet with the director of housing she wanted to know why it was burned at the end and if I had been burning candles in my apartment (which is also against the rules). I lied about that, although I told her the truth about the rest of it. I am a responsible candle burner and didn’t see how that had anything to do with what was going on.
Prejudice and bullshit is everywhere. Nobody cares that I am an honor student, all they see is that I am a freak.
Oh, yes, and one more thing. It’s all about money. The drug dealers are the ones with lots of cash to pay good lawyers and get off, while the people who are financially handicapped like my brother get stuck with public defenders and get screwed. My brother was charged with a felony for selling ten of his prescription Ritalin to some guy at a party who turned out to be working for the cops. He had to do several weekends in jail and is still on probation and trying to pay off huge fines. My brother is NOT a drug dealer! Some of his friends who were dealing cocaine got off because they could afford to pay lawyers. This is part of the reason my brother now has major problems with alcoholism and other emotional disorders. I learned my lesson from this, and am taking out more student loans so I can pay a lawyer. I’m not about to take my chances with a public defender.
Yeah, and what IS this bullshit about cops being able to arrest you for anything they want? If we didn’t have a police state before, we sure will now!
Allright, having taken the half hour that it did for me to read this wonderful article and the many thoughtful replies that followed, I felt i had to contribute here…..1. yes, at this point MJ is illegal, but……..should it be? honestly? some very good points have been brought up about the benefits(not to mention the medicinal uses) as well as the reasons it was banned in the first place……………the problem here is, the government, like it or not, believe it or not, is basically a large, inhuman, non-feeling machine that is hell bent on preserving the status quo and ensuring its own will over the people it supposedly serves. And, (and I don’t care who did what, went through what, did what, or has to say what here) the police are many times just one tool, one arm of this machine. Our ex cop friend, perhaps he would like justification to why marijuana should be illegal?? I ask him first.”Do you agree with the Founding Fathers?? Do you have anything against T. Jefferson?? If your okay with him than you were okay with a longtime marijuana smoker (as admitted in his own memoirs). Benjamin Franklin was addicted to opium, and used it at the Constitutional Convention. So tell me folks, how did we get from where we were to where we are?? The answer is simple, we have to prevent those who have assumed power over us and taken our freedom of choice from doing these things anymore. We must start again with a new system, one that allows an individual, so long as he or she does not harm another individual, to do as he or she pleases………..
oh, and as for the justice system and doing the right thing to arrest criminals and bring them to justice, we used to have a better way, it was called, if you saw someone stealing or attacking someone, you killed them. that was justice, plain and simple. So long as the attackers have the justification of witnissing the act be committed, the system won’t go wrong.
Sorry if this seems jumbed, badly thought out, or is badly mispelled, ive been up for about 2 days now due to helping a friend with a bad situation, so my thougths are kind of floating about right now.
Paris Paris Paris…Je suis si “urbaine” que je ne peux pas vivre a des “suburbs” de l’Amerique. Je dois vivre dans des pubs, dans des rues et dans des parques. Un “suburb” americaine ou je vis maintenant (Long Island NY) est comme un prison a moi mais…c’est la vie eh 🙂 J’espere que tout est bien pour toi maintenant 😀 Tu peux me envoyer des courriers electroniques en hazimael@hotmail.com si tu en veux 🙂
Well i hope everything works out. But the goverment makes MJ or other “drugs” illegal for our own good. I mean yes it is good for medical use but, still if you really don’t need it for medical uses why take it. Its basically bad for you. I thinks its good the goverment makes MJ illegal. Think about it, if they made it legal and you use it, then you wanna try some “drugs that are stronger or whateva and pretty soon the whole country is fucked up with crack heads and shit.
It doesn’t actually work that way. The idea that MJ is a gateway drug is a bunch of hooey. It’s something the government made up to make Just Say No look better.
People that take pot and go on to heavier things, are going to do the heavier things anyway. I didn’t even start with pot. I started with acid. My brothers started with ecstacy and have since moved on to all kinds of crap. I don’t even like pot. I don’t like smoking in any form. It hurts my lungs and my head. Yes, I smoked pot, but it wasn’t what started me on drugs.
Most people smoke pot and only pot. They do not do the harder things. In fact, many of the people that smoke pot, take it in place of the more addictive stuff that helps with disorder’s. I know many people with anxiety disorder’s that smoke pot. The pot is better for them then the xanex and less addictive. (And if you take it in tea or brownie form then you don’t even have to worry about the smoking aspect of it.)
People that do crack, are beyond pot. Yes, some of them may have smoked a joint as their first drug, but saying that pot makes you do harder drugs is like saying that looking at a naked picture of someone makes them go out and rape people. It doesn’t happan. People that move on to crack and heroin are going there on their own. The pot doesn’t cause it. Pot gives a completely different high then crack and many more of the more lethal drugs. Pot makes you mellow, it calm’s you down, it helps you relax. Logically if the person needed to move on to something stronger they’d go for valium and loritabs (which ironically most of the white collar members of our nation is addicted to). Not to crack and heroin. Those two drugs (and it’s cousins in the upper category) speed the body up, speed the sense’s up and put the body through extreme stress and emotions. They go for those drugs because they are looking for that sort of high. Not because they are looking for something stronger then pot.
Also, the idea that making pot legal will make people smoke it doesn’t work either.
Let’s take a look at prohibition. (The years that the government decided it would be a good idea to make alcohol illegal). Before that time it was unheard of for women to drink. Men would only drink in moderation and never in front of a woman. There were still problems with alcoholic’s, but very few comparitively.
Once prohibition came about the rules all of a sudden changed. The government outlawed it and people began to wonder why. They decided they didn’t want it outlawed and went on their own to do it. So we enter the roaring 20’s. When there were women in every saloon. Men and women falling down drunk in public. People drinking quarts of stuff just because they could. And lets not forget that the mafia came about in this era. Something about making a killing in the liquor market while it’s illegal.
Now, smoking is legal now. As well as alcohol. The fact that it is legal doesn’t make people want to do it. People do it because they want to. Some people do it because it makes them look cool. Some people do it because they honestly like the taste of beer (yick. I have to be the only 23 year old on earth that doesn’t drink). They do not do it because it’s legal. However, the minute the government decided to make it illegal people would be jumping at the chance to do it.
Don’t believe me. History repeats itself. We always want to do what we are told not to do.
Also, the government could make a KILLING on taxing pot. Two dollar tax on a pack of cigarette’s would be nothing. The tax the government could impose on a dime bag would be huge. The taxes would be able to be used to fund education, parks, health care, what ever we really needed the money for. Not only that, they could regulate it so it would be available in it’s purest form. You wouldn’t have to worry about getting it laced because some fool thought it might be a fun idea to fuck with everyone’s head.
One other note, pot in it’s purest form (and not smoked) is no worse for you then caffiene. Except it has the opposite side effect. Instead of waking you up, it mellow’s you out.
I hope to goddess everything works out for you and your kids. The fucking cops are all the same. May the goddess bless you.
Well hate to burst peoples bubbles here. However the THC in pot actually coats your nerve endings. Thus slowing down brain functions, this is where the spacey high and disconnected feelings come from. The other side effect THC has on the human body is that it stores itself in your fat cells. THC is only soluable in fatty acids and alcohol. So that guy that tells you he gets even higher by drinking the bong water, he’s full of shit. Interestingly enough your brain is surrounded by a layer of fat, no matter how skinny you are. This fat layer protects your noodle from smashing against your rock hard skull. Anyone ever notice that it takes almost a month for your head to clear after smoking a bunch of dope. Ever wonder why all the dopeheads seem to forget stupid things like the car keys. As for medical use,,hehehe,,, sure…. lets not call apples, organges here. I do agree with you making it illegal only makes it more desirable. However why make it legal, this country makes more money off of the drug trade than people realize. Think about it. If I’m a big drug dealer, and I do 20 million dollars a month in business. When I get busted guess what the government gets to keep all of that money. If it were legal they would only get a small percentage in taxes. Not to mention all of the jobs created by “fighting the drug war”. Then there is an entire industry based on fear, hey look out for them crack heads you better buy one of these here mace sprays for your purse, oh yeah better get a personal alarm too. What you have a car, need an alarm?
I know I’m rambling, sorry.
I have this thing. If your going to do something, you should also study what effects it has on you, and what other reprecussions it may generate.
Its kinda like the chick that runs around having sex with every guy she can find, then complains when she gets pregnant and her supposed boyfriend leaves her with the kid,,,, Duhhhhh.
No, I do agree with you and the instance of forgetting things. Pot DOES have side effects. Anyone that thinks it doesn’t is lying to themselves.
However any chemical we put into our bodies is going to affect us one way or another. Caffiene for instance. There are people that have very strong reactions to caffiene. Caffiene causes my husband’s heart beat to rush and palpitate. It has little to no affect on me. (How much I wish it did. I could use the little boost of energy sometimes.)
In comparison with many of the chemical’s we put into our body daily, the side effects of pot and THC are comparitavely mild. Especially when you consider the side effects of some of the drugs people take pot in place of. (Pot and Xanex work the same way for people with anxiety disorder’s. But the Xanex is a hundred times more addictive.)
I guess the biggest thing I am trying to push is a better understanding of the drugs people are against. Pot is not the vile evil substance people believe it to be. And I know how much pot can help someone who is suffering from cancer. Frankly, I cannot understand how the courts would refuse to legalize for medical use when it improves the quality of life so much for someone.
Think about it. A person with cancer needs many things to fight the disease. They need to have energy, and they need to keep their immune system up. However, many times while they are on chemotherapy, they cannot eat, they cannot do much because the side effects of chemo are so severe. However the benefit of pot increases the appetite, so they are able to eat. It reduces the pain, which is many times better then the morphine and other drugs that are prescribed.
Ultimately, pot is one of those things I beat my head against the wall about. People have no problem legalizing drugs for medical use that are researched by big name pharmecutical companies out for money, but because of the label on this one, it is not allowed. The pot is better for the dying patient then the pain medication. (Ingested, not inhaled.) But so many people are too ignorant to realize that. And like you say, they leap upon something that they have not studied.
I agree with you, you should find out what something is going to do to you before you decided to stick it inside you. It’s one of those common sense things. If not, then you do deserve some of the reprecussions that come to you.
I still am completely against the drug war though. All that money could be going into things that actually matter. Such as why 55% of our nations children still do not health care. But hey, in this country we’d rather go after the people that are voluntarily hurting themselves then take care of the people who want to stay healthy.
1. not all cops are bad, just the ones who live by the word and not the essence of the law and are self-righteous hypocrites.
2. the war on pot was started as an anti-immigration thing(mexicans), u have to admit, pot is really no more harmful to one than cigs or booze.
3. sucks for the kids.
Man i dont know what to say that sucks. And its not not like your a bad father. More Luck to you on this. And if all else fails…and if you know where the police station is 2 words structure fire. AIM me at aliensk8erJ for a fast and effective way to do this.
More luckto you,
it would seem that the cops are just as fucked up in every country in the world, they follow me here because i wear a grey german border trench coat and a black suit…
yeah well nobody else does.
I know what you mean, I hate cops, too. And they should TOTALLY legalize marijuana here!!! (Right, PsychoticChef? *wink wink*)
Keep flyin’.
Okay…first off, this isn’t Annachie, but her b/f of quite some time now, here to respond on this matter a bit, even though it’s been awhile since it was discussed here. Let me start by saying that I myself have also, on “numerous” occasions, encountered officers of the “law” that had nothing better to do with their time than to ***** with people, accusing them of doing something which could be so far from the actual truth of the matter, and ruining their lives. I have also come across some cops who have done their absolute best to “protect and serve”, help people in helpful ways, be fair and just, and live/work in a manner that caused them to be actually be liked and revered by those around them, officers and civilians alike!!!
I am a veteran of the U.S. Army Rangers, and just to barely touch on the subject of which the heathen ‘cop’ focused on, I am quite sorry to hear some of the things you went through, but how about having to go to another country and shoot down innocent people for no apparent reason? Have you ever even attemtpted to take some time to contemplate on the fact that no matter how bad you think you have/had it, there is always somebody out there with much worse experiences than your own? Dude, deal with them in the right way!!!!!!
Only as an example, I’ll tell you something that happened to me while in the fucked-up, poverty-stricken, chaotic country of Lebanon.
Me and my team of 6 Rangers of the 2nd battalion, 175th regiment, Company A, were assigned to an operation in Lebanon. I cannot tell what the details of this op were, but I can tell you it was not simply some routine exercise, by any means. Anyway, while we were over there, we were instructed to take out anybody or anything that got in our way, and one of those “anybodys” happened to be a small 6 year old boy that I did not see until it was too late, his body being distributed unevenly across an expanse of approx. 50-75 feet by a grenade round fired from the M-230 held in my hands, along with his parents and newborn brother, the thatched house instantly becoming a large pile of flaming rubbish.
Now, I know this might be way off point here, but, what I’m trying to say is this….just because you think you had it bad, or just because you don’t like what somebody had/has to say about different individuals that are in your old line of work, does not mean that you can/should badtalk them, or say demeaning things to them or about them. I myself have long, for the most part, gotten over and made peace with the demons of my past, though I did them under force of the government. Because they made me do these things doesn’t give me the right to say shit about them that I didn’t like. You know why this is? Because I SIGNED THE ***** CONTRACT!!!!!! You signed one, too, so you should know that your words and actions have an effect on everybody around you, whether in your immediate vicinity, or across the world wide web of wires and phone lines.
Please, dude, just think about this shit, man….would you really want somebody else to just drop a pile of shit and demeaning thoughts all over you for reasons you had nothing to do with?
Wassail!!! Darkness Unforgiven