I know for a fact that im not the only person that feels as if they want to give up and that life is just a drag. But im so sick if being depressed all the time, everything keeps going wrong and the smallest things seem to annoy me and the worst thing is, I take it out on other people including my family and friends. I feel as if im falling apart, my body feels tired and weak and I dont want to do anything any more.
I’m sleeping less and less every night which isn’t helping considering im in my last year at school and about to do my exams so I need all the free time I can get to study for them, but the only time I can sleep is during the day (not sure why) and I need my free time in the day to study, but I can’t do this, I cant keep my eyes open. And when I do study I cant remember any of it in exams and my mind goes blank. I sit at school in a world of my own and I dont understand anything I’m being taught. I can hear my teacher talking but I can’t listen. I know I’m going to fail my exams miserabely and no matter how much people tell me it will be ok, I know it wont.
Things at home aren’t much easier either. My mum is constantly getting on at me for not handing in school work and she always tells me I’m going to end up with a shit job and have no money. She doesn’t realise how much she’s changed recently and its making my life hell. The rest of my family dont help much either. I have 3 step brothers and 1 step sister and I know they all hate me. I’m just the odd one out, the “step sister”.
I get so depressed I do things I regret (and although all this may sound trivial to some people, its killing me inside) I’ve cut myself numerous times and I scratch my skin off untill I bleed. I try my best to hide this form everyone I know because that will give them more reasons to call me a freak. I cant help but hate myself and my life, suicide has been playing on my mind a lot recently and it seems the only way out of my problems.
Any way…. I’ve probably bored you all enough now and thats just the start of my problems! Sorry but I had to get it off my chest.
Oh not bored at all. I’m going through the same as you are, not being able to focus and concentrate, having too much to do and not enough time to do things, being bothered by certain ppl in my life at the moment, who I wish didn’t. You’re not alone in any of this.
It’s hard I know, I’m struggling too, and my school year has just started on the other side of the world. I’ve just had to pull my whole self back together by strength of will alone, not easy to do. Had to drop a few subjects to get through all of this too. So, really you’re not alone in all this.
If you need someone to talk to, just email and say hello to me at voltarrens@yahoo.com.au
although i’m not in highschool i know exactly what you’re going through. Suiside jumps around on my mind a lot and i cut a lot as well…it got bad enough that my friends search my pockets and don’t trust me with a paperclip even. anyway like Voltarrens said you’r not alone.
you’re absolutely not alone…I have quite the same problems, I’ve got 2 years yet until my exams, I dont get much sleep, Im not quite that bad at school…I mean its not like I dont get what Im taught…well…really sorry for you!
same here. all of it… i know exactly what ur going through. u definetely are not alone.
i sleep often. and i’m drunker than a goodamn slut bitch
i mean, sure i feel tired and want to die all the time, don’t we all? i think it’s only those who can long for death that can truly appreciate life. ok, i;’going to get off now prior to my being foolish. hhahaah! jj’s talk inga about puking. tt always tells him he’s gonna be sick and so he does get sick
hi everyone. thanks for replying. (not sure what the one off mors is all about!) im glad im not alone.
thank you very much voltarrens!
x x x