Goths and Zombies

I was flipping through the channels on my TV recently and came across a program on the Discovery Channel called “Goths and Zombies.” Curious, I stopped to watch. It turned out to be a sort of collage of segments about strange and unexplained events (a la Ripley’s Believe-it or-not) including zombies in Haiti and the humming sound in Taos, New Mexico. Stuck in the middle of these was a segment on “goths, pagans, and vampires.” It struck me as ironic that they lumped these three groups all in together and kept playing up their most shocking elements, repeatedly labeling them “beyond bizarre” as if that was the subtitle of the show. Scenes of Pagan worshippers in ritual were interspersed with shots of goth kids at a club, focusing heavily on one girl’s head which was shaved except for a round swatch at the top, dyed bright red and divided into two braids. I wonder if anyone else happened to see the show or had any thoughts about it. It seems unusual for the Discovery Channel to resort to this kind of sensationalism, which of course is commonplace throughout most forms of the media. What do you think?

Categorized as gothic

By Annachie

Diamanda Galas is Goddess