I used to be a pretty decent christian. never went to church. lacked a ride. but it’s amazing how you can believe in something so much, just to have it all slip away.
and it’s becuz you grow up. everything just seems to slip away as you get older. my belief in an invisible man has dwindled to nothing. there is no god. no ominous being in the heavens judging us. and loving us at the same time. it doesnt work like that. it just doesn’t. the concept of “god” escapes me. love died with god. love is just attachment. false hope and empty promises. there is nothing there. lies. all lies. and it never makes any sense. growing up – man that kills you. realizing what this world is. how crappy it is. how harsh and apathetic it is. no one seems to get it. and it’s especially hard for teens. when we are so misunderstood. adults judge. they might as well be god. they say they love us yet they tell us who we are and what we believe. we’re brought into this world on a belief system. not given a choice. we’re brought into this world without consideration about whether or not we will want to be here. no consideration about how this world is. parents assume we are them. and this is oh so very wrong. we are no more like them than the sun is like the moon. we are our own people. a very unique generation. we think much deeper thoughts and deal with an internal war. the war that our generation has is within ourselves. and our parents ignore this struggle. riding it off as hormons and musical influence. so not true. they dont take the time find out why we are so upset. this world is changing. and it’s becuz of us. and no one can see that. or stop it. not even ur so-called “god”.
P.S. this is only my opinion. i dont need hate mail from and christians out there. you have ur beliefs. i have mine. however small they may be.
I agree with you on God is a fasle belief. my parents are live deep in this lie. I just don’t see any proof that he is there
nice to know that there are people out there that understand.
i use to believe in god. not anymore. i was told that god is there to help you to help make bad things turn good. nothing good ever really happens to me at least not that i notice. i stopped believing and the same things happen when i dont believe in god as when they did. so i really dont think a god ever did exist people just believe he does