hate crimes

This is a story ans it is very true but to know things like this that happen just tends to piss me off.Well n-e way recently a 12 year old girl by the name of Tempest Smith (of pagan religion)commited suicide because of her christian class mates taunting her and making fun of her because of the way she dressed and what her religon was.

Now i know alot of people out there who go through this every day but me and a couple of people are trying to keep more of this from happening.If you would like to know more e-mail me at badguy69primo@hotmail.com or primo783@aol.com i would really like for alot of people to help out on this if you can it would make a great diference so please e-mail me and i can give you more information on what you can do to help.I ask again PLEASE HELP my e-mail is badhuy69primo@hotmail.com or primo783@aol.com please help if you can. Thank you for your coperation and i hope to hear from you people soon thanx 🙂