Ok, first of all, I would like to say Im new to the site, so excuse me if I fuck up alot because I suck! lol.
Now, on to my problem. It may seem small and trivial to some, but to me, its a big fucking deal. So for all of you who wanna help me out, thanks, for all of you who think I’m weak, I have a pair of nuts for you to lick. I dated a girl for two years. She is one year younger than me and still in high school whereas I have graduated. When I started college, it put a damper on the relationship, so we broke up in Sept. of 2002. Well, for the past 2 months, I have been trying to get back with her because I love her so much. And for the past 2 months, she has done shit like date other guys (which I dont mind but she rubs it in my face), make plans and cancel them with me at the last second, and generally pull my heart in a million directions. Well for the past 3 weeks, she decided she DID wanna be with me, but she keeps cancelling plans and shit with me still………and she doesnt understand why Im upset. Am I just a pansy or do I have a right to be pissed off?
Well, yes you do very much have the right to be angry at the moment, she’s playing games with you. Sounds like she’s trying to push you away at first and now she’s trying to control your heart strings by seeing how much she can hurt you, or see how far you’ll go or how much you’ll take from her.
This doesn’t seem like it is worth it at all with this girl (nor fair), if she is going to do things like this. Then again I don’t know her personnally but have met people like her in my past. They are not worth it, they go down a road where every relationship starts to become a game of some sort, like a cat playing with a mouse.
Has she given any really good honest reasons for doing all of this at all to you?
just fucking ditch her. it’s obvious that she doesn’t know what she wants in life and she’s going to drag you down with her.
love is a strong emotion, but infatuation is stronger and it’s hard to diferentiate between the two. you need to step back for a year or two and ask yourself if you still want to be with her. sometimes people who are together for a period of time become dependent on eachother (in a bad way).
after you step back and look at the situation, you’ll know what to do.
best of luck to you.
She might just be playing with you and trying to hurt you for breaking up with her. Or she may be trying to test you and taking it a bit too far, you know, trying to figure out how much you really love her and are willing to put up with. If she KEEPS doing it, (as in she cancels 5 or more dates in a row) then she’s most likely just playing with you, and I suggest you move on. Try talking to her about it, if she cares about you then she should understand why you’re getting upset. You can’t exactly rekindle a relationship when only one person is there and actually trying. I don’t know if I’ve helped at all, but I hope so.
Good luck with it, whatever choice you make. Just be true to your heart and try to decide whether being with her or apart from her is going to hurt more?
Women, who needs em. lol. All i can say is that actions speak louder than words, she says she wants to get back with you but she isn’t really showing it by her actions. You do have a right to be pissed off.
I found it interesting though when you said that she was going out with other guys and it didn’t bother you. Are you mad?? If it doesn’t bother you then maybe you don’t love her as much as you think you do. If someone i loved was going out with different people it would pretty much kill me.
But anyway, good luck with this one.
Oh please. *laugh my ass off* She’s SO playing with you!
I mean, how many girls would love to have an older guy fawning over them and following them like a faithful little puppy? It’s pathetic that you’re letting her get away with it.
She’s pushing you, seeing how much shit she can put you through before you have enough, then she reels you back in with her innocent little “why are you mad at me” act, and it starts all over again.
Erm, if Dom ever tried to play me like that, he wouldn’t last ten minutes with me.
You know what – you don’t love her. Coz love is trust and respect, and you can’t trust or respect somebody who treats you this way.
Nope, it may be infatuation, familiarity, it may be obsession but it sure as hell ain’t love.
One thing’s for sure – She doesn’t love you either. She’s never gonna love you.
She sure as hell doesn’t respect you.
Nope, you gotta get out there man, go be young, get laid, have fun, stop trying so damn hard to be in love. You don’t need that right now, and when it comes it won’t be in the form of a manipulative little bitch.
Annnyway, all the best, Dam.
P.S. I aint licking any body parts that don’t belong to Dom. Ciao
Whelp, things have changed a little bit. I guess you could say the Hyde part of me is out. LMAO! It’s kinda funny. Things went pretty good for a while, then I went on a downward spiral……..but emerged this. I dont care what happenes now! lol I love her, yes. But there are other shinny cans in the dump. BTW, yes I did mind alot that she dated other guys, but I guess what I was trying to say is I could understand why she was doing it. We are “officially” a couple. I want it to work, but if doesnt, I have enough self assurance that Ill find someone else. So Im giving her a chance. Another funny thing: When Im like “I miss you I wanna be with you forever” she gets in a pissy mood. But if Im in like a “Hey dont wanna talk to you right now, Im playing Warcraft 3” she gets all in a “Oh I missed u mood.” Basically, I treat her like I dont care, she comes crawling back……. Is this evil of me to do? Well it might be, but who the f$ck cares! WAHAHAHAHA! THE HYDE MAN COMETH! (when this part of me comes out, its great)
Whelp, things have changed a little bit. I guess you could say the Hyde part of me is out. LMAO! It’s kinda funny. Things went pretty good for a while, then I went on a downward spiral……..but emerged this. I dont care what happenes now! lol I love her, yes. But there are other shinny cans in the dump. BTW, yes I did mind alot that she dated other guys, but I guess what I was trying to say is I could understand why she was doing it. We are “officially” a couple. I want it to work, but if doesnt, I have enough self assurance that Ill find someone else. So Im giving her a chance. Another funny thing: When Im like “I miss you I wanna be with you forever” she gets in a pissy mood. But if Im in like a “Hey dont wanna talk to you right now, Im playing Warcraft 3” she gets all in a “Oh I missed u mood.” Basically, I treat her like I dont care, she comes crawling back……. Is this evil of me to do? Well it might be, but who the f$ck cares! WAHAHAHAHA! THE HYDE MAN COMETH! (when this part of me comes out, its great)
your not a pansey but i dont think any girl is worth it to have your heart ripped up its not fair to you to just be dropped and picked back up when ever the hell she feels like it. i think that you should just say to hell with her and act like you dont care. hard to get drives me crazy bout guys so maybe it will do the same for her. if you just act like she aint there then she will probably come back. but if she dont fuck her! find someone else. keep posting!
Aww that’s so sad. First – I love the way you started; “for all of you who think I’m weak, I have a pair of nuts for you to lick.” Hahaha 🙂
I don’t think you’re being a pansy at all, I think you have one hell of a right to be angry! She’s obviously enjoying messing you about and pulling you everywhere. OR she’s very upset and hurt by your break up and doesn’t know how to react.
Remember, she’s only young, and hormonal and emotional.
Of course, you’re young too, and as kellygirl says, she’s not worth having your heart ripped up over. If she is, it will work out eventually. But while you’re young, it’s the last thing you need.
If she comes crawling when you act like you don’t care, she’s having fun and messing with you. I think it’s probably that she does want to be with you, but maybe not quite so serious. She wants to see how you react when she acts like she doesn’t care, but she wants to let you know she does care…..
Well whatever you do, hope we all helped, even jus a little!
Welcome to the site, keep posting. Looking forward to reading some more of your posts. Take Care x x x
OKay, so maybe things have changed, maybe you’re controlling her a little more, but – is it worth it? do you really want to spend your time planning your every move tactically, just so she’ll acknowledge you? That isn’t love….
And by messing around with this girl you may be stopping yourself being happy, unconditionally happy, with someone else…
if you have to act like you dont give a fuck then she is just playing with you, trust me i know, i did the same thing to my ex. i knew he loved me and would do anything and i played with him cuz i didnt love him, if he was sweet i told him i couldnt talk or was busy and if he acted like he was busy then i’d be all sweet and tell him how much i loved him til finally i got bored… trust me she is gonna get bored with you and when she does she will dump you and break your heart. leave her now before its too late, dont play her little game anymore. stand up show her that you dont need her. be strong and you can do this.