Highschool. Hell. Many people my age see no differnce, and can you blame them? Highschool is meant for three types: Jocks, Populars, and Stoners. If you don’t fit into any of those catagorys your basically screwed.
Highschool Red is a Highschool we shall make reference to. As you step in, the facades that people put up, the tears and blood they hold back, the utter wnat to destroy everything around them. It’s all there, if you look. Not enough people look. Teachers, parents, adults. Anyone OUT of Highschool see’s a world that changes. Thats one reason when adults say ‘Oh suck it in’ or ‘It’s just a phase’ and all that make-you-feel-better bull crap, they don’t understand. When Micheal Moor, a freshmen, glasses, brainey type, kinda dorky, thinks he’s popular, steps into Highschool Red, what does he see? Another day of pain, suffering, and over all humlilation. When Melissa Marks, a sophmore, the ‘dream girl’, popular, want to make her cry so badly because she’s such a pain, walks into Highschool Red, what does she see? Another day she has to put up a robot like smile and act like a bitch to everyone and anyone, except of course, her girlfriends. When Jacob Jones, Jock, Popular, would be in a boy band is that was still cool, homophobe, steps into Highschool Red, what does he see? A chance to show off power, make other hurt, and utterly leave marks on people, which, later in life, will make them more psychologially unfit. When Adam Ark, wears black clothes out of depression, needs anti-depressiants yet he doesn’t think about solution because he’s caught up in pain and hopelessness, walks into Highschool Red, what does he see? Pain. The simplest thing of all.
Adam did step into Highschool Red. He saw jocks picking on brains and homosexuals, he saw populars and nerds and all other types of stearotypes, he saw hurt. Denial, pain, overall he wanted to just let go of life. This is what Highschool does to people my age, this is what it does to everyone! Adam went to his locker, and yet was picked on by Lenny Lannez, a fat, over popmpous, fool of a teen. Adam wished he could just kill Lenny, and alot of other people. It hurt so much, he felt so alone. His best friend, and even more then friend, Mary, had killed herself the week before, and no-one seemed to care but him. Why? He didn’t know, but he wanted to join Mary more then anything.
Mike Moor stepped into Highschool Red, and imiedatelly was attacked by Jocks and other grunts. They called him fag, pussy, geek, pushing hima round and hitting him. Mike Moor had this happen to him all the time. He smiled, fakeinglly, and said clearly.
“Come on guys, stop it.”
“Oh what did you say? I didn’t think yuo could talk! Did we let you! Fuck you bitch.” that was Jacob, and he slapped Mike to the ground like he was some weak woman in comparrison. Mike laughed after taking the blow.
“Huh, nice hit there Jake.”
“Fag.” said someone else from the group of the walked away. Mike wanted to cry. He was nice to them, did there homework sometimes, he even occasionally bought them lunch, yet nothing worked. The teachers care? Hell no.
Melissa walked in, and saw Mike on the ground. When she walked by she commented rudely.
“Get fucked up again geek?”
“Hi Melissa, how are-” but she walked away, a smile of evil across her face. She walked over to her friends and was about to talk about how god awful her weekend was becasue the hair place was closed, when the bell rang. Algebra. Adam, Jacob, Mike, and Melissa were in the same class. When the walked in, Jacob pushed Adam to the ground, shouting out ‘fag’ as he walked over him. Adam just imagined Jacob with a gun to the back of his head, see how superior he was then. Melissa laughed, but screamed on the inside for the slightest hint of help, she was going insane, like usuall during this class. Mike laughed as well, but just to get populairty, which he didn’t. Instead, Jacob grabbed him and slapped him to the ground.
“Keep falling like my bitch Mike!”
Mike smiled, and Adam wished he could die right there. This was surely hell. The class went on normally when the teacher walked in. Jacob started flicking spit balls at Mike, Mike would turn, and smile, thinking that woudl stop it. Adam started doodling on a piece of paper. Melissa started talking with a friend.
“Young lady! Why are you talking in my class.”
“Uhh, cause I want to.”
“Go tot eh office now!”
“Bitch.” she said as she got up and left. Adam staretd evilly at her, and wondered what Melissa would be like is she was impaled on a spike of pain like everyone else, and then relized, she probably was.
The class got out and Adam went to his locker. Oh today was going to be so differn’t. He pulled out a duffle bag and made his way to Gym. Mike gave a loan of lunch money to Jacob, who then hit him afterward and walked away. Mike had an idea of how to make Jacob his friend. He was going to pull the fire alarm and get everyone out of Gym. Melissa was still in the office, but arrived to Gym eventually. Adam had it all palnned. The last few weeks he had been rigging some detenators to the firealarm system, and the dufflebag had the explosive. He would take them all out, including himself. He set the explosive near his locker, hidden away, and made his way out of the Gym. He had to wait till everyone was in the exercises, then he’d pull the alarm. If he was in the exercises though, he would enver be able to get out of them, and come back to the locker room where the firealarm was. He went to the main building and watched from a window. Mike made sure there was no-one around and pulled the firealarm. Adam was shocked when he saw the ball of fire. NO! NO I was suppose to be there too! I was suppose to be with Mary! NO! NO! He screamed in the hallway, falling to the ground. Why! WHY! WHY! He screamed it in his head. The guilt was still there. He wanted to go so the emotions would come. NO! NO! NO!