Holiday Spirit.

Please excuse me while I vent. It has always seemed to me that this time of year brings out the worst in some people. We are, if you follow Christianity, supposed to have a time of peace on earth and goodwill towards men. Why, then, I wonder does it seem the opposite happens?

If you get your loved ones gifts, and do not posses the talent or inclination to make them by hand, you have to go to a store. When you get there the aisles are too narrow, the prices too high, and the tempers to short. We all spend the month tyed up in knots.

And then there are those of us unfortunant enough to work with the public. Personaly, I find it irritating that I have to stick to human colored hair, or I get terminated. Then I get to go out into the dining room and clean up after a bunch of slobs that cannot seem to grasp the concept of trash cans. More of the meal ends up on the floor that in their stomaches.

Ok, so by this time I’m in a fairly good mood. Nothing major has gone bad. It becomes time to check the Restrooms, to make sure there are not an even dozen drunks in there. I go through the usual movements, starting with the womans. Alls clear.

Then I come to the mens room. Usualy the sight of santas face on the floor covered in shit wouldn’t faze me. But there are kids present, some of whom still believe in that bag of lard. I am suddenly seized by the urge to choke something. I honestly don’t care what you do at home, but you don’t fuck with the little kids…. Especially at a place of business geared towards them. I do what I can, including trashing santa and mopping up.

Merry fucking Christmas


Categorized as darkness

By The Evil Cheezman

Purveyor of sacred truths and purloined letters; literary acrobat; spiritual godson of Edgar Allan Poe, P.T. Barnum, and Ed Wood; WAYNE MILLER is the head architect of EVIL CHEEZ PRODUCTIONS, serving up the finest in entertainment and edification for the stage, the page, and the twain screens, silver and computer. He is the axe-murderer who once met Andy Griffith.


  1. Hi, I’ve seen a lot of things over the years that make Christmas shallow, and empty. Stores have christmas decorations up, and specials on half way through november. People equate Christmas with getting things. A few people who aren’t afraid to think out side of what society expects of them would know everything that has been said here is true. I think it is very sad that we have lost this holiday to greed. Many stories from 18 hundreds and back show a love for Jesus, and family. They show that people give gifts that come from the heart. People would spend the whole year sometimes makeing a special gift that they knew would bring joy to the person reciving it. That is what Christmas is about. But now we can just waltz down to the store buy the nearst thing to the door and be on our way. It doesn’t take much thought or ingenuity to give some one something. Which takes a lot of meaning out of the holiday.

  2. Kudos
    I beleive you have hit the proverbial nail directy on the head. I received one gift this year which I actually liked. My friend Shannon knowing that I’m a really big fan of the crow got me todd mcfarlane’s Eric Draven. You see I would never spend my money on something like this. However Shannon knows me rather well so the time and thought that went into it shows. It wasn’t the gift it was the thought behind it. Eurika thats it I’ll paint everyones gift for next year.

  3. Why does this time of year often suck? Try envy and unrealisitc expectations. Christmas has become a season mostly of gift giving and getting, of parties and family gatherings (regardless of how well the family in question gets along). It’s not primarily a time of reflection anymore.

    And of course in our super-affluent society, it’s a sin to be anything less than middle class and thoroughly materialisitc, and it’s a crime to not swallow whole the shallow values of our culture. It’s impossible for us to not envy people who have more than we do, have happier lives, more close-knit families. dammit, what do you mean we aren’t supposed to be like those people on television? But…but…but…

    It’s SUPPOSED to be about peace on earth. Regardless of religion. (Do you really think Jesus gives a crap about whether or not you’re Christian, if you are a force for peace the way he was? Please. It’s the peace that’s important, that we are supposed to live today, that we bungle so thoroughly. We keep forgetting this thing called “love.”)

    Christmas just isn’t the same anymore. What we have now is a boiling resentment every year that Santa, the Fairy Godfather, didn’t deliver.

  4. Seems everytime people call me scary I have to laugh too. Has anyone else ever looked around at what walks the streets out there, and passes for normal?

  5. The Christmas season is just a facade for a period of time where people being complete assholes to one another, is justified by “Holiday stress”.
    I’ve never had the (ahem) “pleasure” of celebrating the holiday, but I’ve unfortunately been caught up in the hoopla of it over the last 24 years. It’s a pain.

    I used to have a job similar to the one described…GODS can I sympathize….

  6. ok maybe you dont like the holyday but nobody force you to celebrate . Why just go out and have fun like the rest of the year.

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